21st birthday coming...

Discussion in 'The Good Life' started by Justin Linker, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    Have you ever drank before? If you have any idea what you likle heading into it, go that direction, just go with the highest quality you can afford for the occasion.

    I'm getting old now (getting reallllllly close to 40 ;)) and don't like to tear it back anymore, so I too would suggest keeping it around 4 drinks, no matter what you choose for the tasting. The trip is part of the destination, but if you get there and it's closed (or feeling like a pile of meat that something beat to a pulp and then peed all over) it ain't worth it for me. YMMV

    Happy bday sir!
  2. Erik Redd

    Erik Redd Lizabeth, baby, I'm comin' to join ya.

    I'd suggest Coors Light as a first beer, then when he actually has a good Belgian beer he'll appreciate it more. :)
    macaronus likes this.
  3. Jasman

    Jasman Well-Known Member

    Assuming that - having used Coors Light as his "gateway" beer - he ever has any desire to taste beer again. :rofl:
    macaronus and battle.munky like this.
  4. Erik Redd

    Erik Redd Lizabeth, baby, I'm comin' to join ya.

    Taste? What's taste got to do with coors Light?
    battle.munky likes this.
  5. 178-bplatoon

    178-bplatoon Well-Known Member

    Have a shot of "Early Times" Kentucky Whiskey...."HAPPY BIRTHDAY" :greet002:
  6. feeltheburn

    feeltheburn Well-Known Member

    Happy b-day Justin! So many choices... Being from Kentucky, I'd go with a bourbon. Probably Maker's Mark.

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