30 Day Rule/Focus; March 2023. All are Welcome!

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Trigger, Feb 28, 2023.

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  1. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Hi everyone!

    It's March and Spring is less than 3 weeks away! It means the flowers will start to bloom and the good weather will grace us once again. It will be time to enjoy the outdoors and do all the leisurely activities we love besides shaving. Yes, it's also the month of St. Patrick's Day where parades abound and corn beef and cabbage dinner awaits most of us.

    This month's theme is March Madness. It really is up to you how you want to interpret this theme. It could be mixing and matching setups that you wouldn't think complement each other. It could be changing the order of how you shave, like making your first pass across the grain, then second pass with the grain or some other combination. Maybe doing something else to get out of your normal shave routine. Be creative and you decide what's best for you, if you go that route.

    A brand new theme is the Middle Shelf March. Use what you consider neither budget or premium shave paraphernalia. I am sure some of you guys will have fun with this one. Another theme could be Mühle March. For those of you who have Mùhle razors and blades. This would be a great time to get reacquainted with those treasures in your den. Maybe do so as a rule or a focus. This is just a suggestion.
    Well there you have it. The three themes for the third month of the year. I think they all merit consideration for you guys to ponder. However, I have always said, "It's your shave; do it your way."

    Ok, let's continue with the basic tenets of this thread!
    I want to welcome all the veterans of the 30 DC and all the newcomers. This thread is for the purposes of improving your shave technique so that you will consistently get great shaves. There are a number of ways to do it. These are suggestions so feel free to do whatever you want in regards to your shave.

    The 30 Day Rule
    Take ONE razor, ONE blade, ONE brush, ONE soap/cream and use them EVERYDAY this month. Yes, everyday. But Trigger, I want variety! I know you do, but until you perfect your technique, it makes little sense to constantly change the variables of your shave.

    The Focus
    For you out there that are not up to the rigors of the Rule, there is this alternative:
    Vary the gear for each shave, save for perhaps one or two elements.
    This is a more accessible challenge for the majority of shavers. I like to pick a particular aspect of the shave, be it the lather, a certain blade or a new razor, that needs breaking in, and not change it daily, until I have mastered those tools.

    Ok, to keep the thread on a nice even keel, I ask everyone to follow the thread etiquette as listed below:
    1. New Members always welcome. Start anytime.
    2. Old Members always welcome.
    3. Respect everyone.
    4. Refrain from political conversation.
    ** This includes, but is not limited to: Covid-19, treatments and/or advice.**
    Please keep these discussions off of this thread.

    I also want to suggest that we should try to assess our shaves as to why it was good or why it was not up to your standards and express these reasons in your comments. The spirit of this thread is to improve our shaves and if we share the reasons why a shave was good or bad, then we are giving our experiences to encourage good technique and discourage bad technique so that we have great info to get better shaves. I am not suggesting that we do it for every post, but I think it would make for a healthier thread if we start to do it more than we have in the past years.

    Moreover, you don't have to do a rule or a focus. You are free to change your setup on a shave to shave basis.

    Finally, I want this thread to continue to be a friendly place. It is ok to disagree because that is how we learn from each other, but let's encourage and respect every member. Yes, even if you think they are off the wall. Let's face it! We all are a little off because of our different Aquisition Disorders. Lol!

    Let's have a group hug!


    Also, let's have a great March
    of awesome shaves and fine fellowship!


    Joe (Trigger)
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
  2. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Very nice intro Joe. I will be going with Mig Month. I will use any soap in my den that is stored in a mug for at least half of my shaves. Of course I will continue to work on Edmunding the Proraso by the end of the month.
    Hembree, blondblue and Trigger like this.
  3. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Thanks Joe. Mug Month sounds great.
    Hembree and JACarbone like this.
  4. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    I am going to use my Mühle R102 as least once a week and still be flexible with my choice of shaving gear.
    Hembree and JACarbone like this.
  5. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude


    SRS # 842 - The Shave Bowl Fruit SOTD

    Rating: 5 / 5

    Razor: AJ Jordan Old Faithful Cocolobo scales
    Brush: Whipped Dog Butterscotch 24 mm
    Lather: Stirling Pharaoh's Dreamsicle
    Aftershave: Stirling Pharaoh Dreamsicle
    Additional Care:
    Omega Alum
    Dickenson’s Original Witch Hazel
    Stirling Unscented Glacial Balm
    Stirling Pharaohs Dreamsicle EdT

    Perfect way to start the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde month of March. The citrus forward was of the Pharaoh Dreamsicle is an excellent way to look forward to the warmer weather that is just around the corner. I love this scent, so refreshing.

    I did my usual three pass shave with stellar results. My face is super smooth and I am smelling great. The EdT is just icing on the cake.

    Hope you all have a great day gentlemen.
  6. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Excellent way to start the month Joe. On my last Stirling order, I was tempted to get Pharaoh's Dreamsicle. I am still holding out for Satsuma. Rod hasn't made it in awhile. Enjoy your day.
    Hembree and JACarbone like this.
  7. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    And here we are in March...in Massachsetts, we say it's the month that comes in like a lion and goes out like that same lion. Fine start to the month with the same arsenal that closed out the last. I like this Sir Hare soap and may buy another someday, but there isn't much choice variety, thus it may be the same as now-Alpha(Tonacco and Sandalwood). The remaining soap in the puck covers the circumference only. . Solid face&neck coverage. No cuts, 1 Knick, no polka-dots. The Knick must have happened during the first pass, as the second killed it. I should have done more down at Cactus-certainly wouldn't want to add more Ingrowns down there. Overall, a Super Duper Outstanding shave.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2023
    Herm2502, Hembree, JACarbone and 3 others like this.
  8. Hogie

    Hogie Well-Known Member

    I plan to shower/shave before bed
    Castle Forbes "Lavender
    Vikings Blade "The Emperor" adjustable with Feather blade 5th shave
    The Emperor is about the same size as a "Fatboy" Gillette (at least I think so)
    I will most likely never get a Fatboy because I already have 3 adjustables. I really like my Gillette "Slim"
    Herm2502, Hembree, ChrisB and 3 others like this.
  9. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Great setup for your first shave of the month Hogie. Have a nice afternoon.
    Hembree, Hogie and JACarbone like this.
  10. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Thank you Joe. I think you would like the PD.
    Hembree and Trigger like this.
  11. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Wonderful shave and cool picture Hogie.
    Hembree, Trigger and Hogie like this.
  12. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Good start to your month Paul.
    Hembree, blondblue and Trigger like this.
  13. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    March 1. SOTA

    Schick Injector I1 for the face shave.
    Pella Injector Blade (fresh)
    Assured for Men/Dollar Tree Razor for the dome shave.
    Assured for Men DE Blade (fresh)
    Heritage Collection/ C-Mon Replica SHD Badger Brush
    Razorock XX SS
    Proraso Green AS
    Stirling Alum Block
    Beard Growth: 23 hrs
    Dome Growth: 3 days


    I decided to break in the new month with a head and face shave. I may make it my tradition. Yesterday, I received the Schick l1 razor that I won from the recent TSD Raffle. Thanks Mike @MoAllen for sending it to me.
    Therefore, I wanted to use it today with a fresh blade. I also decided to use the Dollar Tree razor with a fresh blade because it is an aggressive razor that would easily shave my 3 day dome growth.
    I picked my 1A alternate favorite brush which is my C-Mon super high-density badger brush because I haven't used it in awhile.

    I have to say that ever since I figured out how to use this brush, I have been getting good lathers. I have been dry-loading the brush and lightly painting the soap on my wet face and adding water to the tips several times as I continue facelathering. It does make a difference because the brush isn't such a latherhog.

    The Schick I1 Injector shaved my face for a BBS result in 2 passes. I usually go against the-grain on my second pass, but I went across-the-grain instead. I am happy that I didn't lose any blood on my face and neck.
    The Assured for Men Dollar Tree Razor gave me a cueball result with only 2 passes. and minor touch-ups. That's never happened with a 3 day stubble. However, I did get a slight knick on the back of my head, but the alum took care of it.

    The alum was silent everywhere except on the cut on my head and zing on the top of it.
    Applied the good old reliable Proraso Green aftershave to finish this first shave of the month. Have a great rest of the day.
    Herm2502, Hembree, JACarbone and 3 others like this.
  14. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    I am sure that I would.
    Hembree and JACarbone like this.
  15. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Thank you Joe.
    Hembree, JACarbone and Trigger like this.
  16. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    I'm doing fine with my NB 23 so far, but I'm sure I'll break that later.
    Hembree, JACarbone and Trigger like this.
  17. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    palmolive foxThe British Birdman
    New. @palmolive fox

    2nd March 2023.


    Shaving recipe for today.

    Prep: Warm shower:/ Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

    Cold wet flannel to my face.
    Pears Original Transparent Bar Soap.
    Brush: omega 10066.
    Face Lather.
    Lather: Arko + Palmolive Classic Shave Sticks. (Grated)
    Blade: Statum Platinum Chrome. (D2)
    Razor: Parker 55SL Semi-Slant.

    Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse. / Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /Brut ASL + Splash-On Lotion./ Nivea Men Fresh Moisturising Gel.


    Early morning shave.

    An enjoyable shave to finish my slant razor, sub-continent blade focus & shaving week off superbly.

    Throughout the past month or so, my revisiting sub-continent blade focus has been a pleasure. All of the blades that i have revisited have gave me close comfortable shave.

    The Statum Platinum Chrome are my new favourite blade which are equal with the Treet 7-Day platinum. Both of these blades are incredibly smooth sharp & efficient and will add them to my blade rotation more regularly in my future SOTD set ups.
    Starting next week I'll be revisiting my Egyptian & Turkish made DE blades for the next month or longer pairing them up with various DE razors.

    A very comfortable 2 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report.

    Finishing to the shave off with a few small dollops of Nivea Men Fresh Moisturising Gel.

    My face is feeling smooth cool, & smelling divine. ;)

    Keep safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen. :cool:

    Fellowship of Cold Water Shavers
    palmolive fox, Today at 1:35 AMReport
    #574Unlike+ QuoteReply

    :happy088: Very nice shave Barry. I pasted your original post here because you had it in the Feb thread. Enjoy your afternoon.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
    JACarbone, Herm2502, Hembree and 2 others like this.
  18. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    :signs081:.."The British Birdman is going cuckoo!.. Thank you for your assistance Joe. I have a memory like a goldfish at times...I'll be using my Merkur & Muhle DE razors for the full month, with the exception of using my SE/ injector razors for my weekly head/dome shaves.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
    JACarbone, Hembree and Trigger like this.
  19. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Lol! We all get like that at times. Anyway, looking forward to your Merkur/Mühle shaves this month Barry. As mentioned earlier, I will pull out my Mühle R102 once a week.
    JACarbone, Hembree and palmolive fox like this.
  20. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    I will also be pulling out my Edwin Jagger DE89 (Kelvin), which has the same head as the Muhle R89.
    JACarbone, Hembree and Trigger like this.
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