30 Day Rule/Focus; March 2024. All Are Welcome!

Discussion in 'Shave School' started by Trigger, Mar 1, 2024.

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  1. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    It is time to grow a beard or use an electric razor. Need to give your face a rest.

    Your face is yelling at you: “Enough already budday.”
    ChrisB, Trigger and brit like this.
  2. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Fabulous travel shave Scott. Marriot? The reason I suspect the Marriot is the counter top coloration.
    Trigger, brit and elektrotasil like this.
  3. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Another nice eclectic shave Barry.
    ChrisB, Trigger, brit and 1 other person like this.
  4. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Interesting shave Chris.
    ChrisB, Trigger, brit and 1 other person like this.
  5. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Fabulous shave Chris
    ChrisB, Trigger and brit like this.
  6. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Trigger, Paul Turner and brit like this.
  7. brit

    brit in a box

    fine weekend affairs gents.:cool::bounce017:
  8. brit

    brit in a box

    rhodium rocket
    yaqi silvertip


    good morning gents.
    lea for saturday
    i have the lea shave cream and a puck of their hard soap.
    both work excellent.
    today the cream gave a fabulous lather,
    smooth 2 passer with the rhodium flare tip,minor pickups
    lea splash to finish.
    have a fine day everyone.
    ChrisB, elektrotasil, Trigger and 2 others like this.
  9. SDK

    SDK it's his fault

    Great looking shave Joe. Is that the Peara soap in that cool container?
    Trigger and brit like this.
  10. SDK

    SDK it's his fault

    Dang Joe. Are you an international assassin with that eye for detail? You are absolutely correct. If you can tell my room number from the photo I will buy you the shave soap of your choice…
    Trigger and brit like this.
  11. SDK

    SDK it's his fault

    Wonderful Gary….
    Trigger and brit like this.
  12. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    You think it should be more water than soap? I do squeeze remaining water from the brush onto the soap, after loading just before applying to my skin
    brit likes this.
  13. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Scott.:):eatdrink047:
    Trigger likes this.
  14. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Wonderful shave Barry. Is this the same company that sell the Pearl Flexi?
    palmolive fox, brit and elektrotasil like this.
  15. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Wonderful Williams shave Joe. Maybe Williams would have been around a lot longer if they added glycerin to their firmula.
    brit likes this.
  16. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    brit and JACarbone like this.
  17. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Nope. You're still barking up the wrong tree. It's been explained to you ad infinitum. You use too much pressure when you shave. Plus, you use a tool that encourages pressing and almost always leads to ingrown hairs. 99.9% of the traditional wet-shavers eschew these inferior razors. You could get a clean, smooth shave---sans nicks or cuts, with a bar of ivory soap---if you really wanted to. But it would take changes, that I am not convinced you are willing to make. I suggested the single blade disposable razor. Did you give it a try? I believe someone piffed you a nice, vintage Gillette. What happened with that?
    Mulit-blade carts are not---and have not ever been your friend, Paul.
    You have a multitude of friends on this forum. Generous friends, who have piffed you some great, quality gear. How many shave reports do you read on this forum, that complain about ingrown hairs or nicks on a regular basis? I can think of only one. There is NO doubt in my mind, that EVERYONE who knows you, wants to see you enjoy your shaves on a daily basis WITHOUT the mishaps, which constantly plague you. It's NOT about how much soap you load. It's not about squeezing water onto the puck. It's about the technique of bringing a razor to your face; maintaining the appropriate angle; avoiding excess pressure---and using a tool that is designed to shave you without encouraging you to push.
    I hope you will forgive this diatribe, but somethings just need to be said out loud.
    Lastly, if we didn't care about you, Paul, we wouldn't give a sh*t what kind of shaves you get. We do care.
    Paul Turner, ChrisB, brit and 3 others like this.
  18. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Well said, Maestro. I can't add anything more than what you and everyone else has shared with Paul.
    brit likes this.
  19. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    March 2 SOTA

    Good afternoon.

    Rockwell 6C (5)
    Zorrik DE Blade (3,4)
    Heritage Collection/C-Mon Replica SHD Badger Brush
    Music City Suds Lavender and Ever Amen SS and AS
    Stirling Alum Block
    Modessa Witch Hazel
    Beard Growth: 24.5 hrs
    Dome Turf: 3.25 days


    It was time to do a head a face shave. Since I am loading from the puck, I decided to use my C-Mon Replica Badger Brush. This brush is a lather hog so I had to really load heavy. Even with heavy loading, I still needed to hit the puck a number of times. Of course, I am also shaving my head so more soap is definitely needed. Lol!
    This Zorrik blade is very smooth, but still is very sharp after the 3rd (face) and 4th (dome) uses. I like this blade. It is very efficient. I only needed 2 passes on my face and dome for a BBS shave. Although I needed minor touchups on the dome. There are always spots that I just can't get, unless I feel and then go over it with a razor. It was bloodless for the face and neck, but reopened the wound on the back of my head from my last shave. Of course, it closed up with cold water. Zero feedback from the alum, except some slight zing on the back of my head.
    Applied the witch hazel and the matching aftershave. It definitely was a good session. Take care.
    elektrotasil, ChrisB, brit and 2 others like this.
  20. SDK

    SDK it's his fault

    Looks great Joe, and with a blade that I have never even heard of before…
    ChrisB, brit, JACarbone and 1 other person like this.
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