30 DC Alumni Thread

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by BaylorGator, May 15, 2020.

  1. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    For those of you who don't know about the 30DC, this acronym stands for the 30 day crew, who are guys who took the "30 day challenge" to improve their shaving technique and shave with the same equipment for 30 days, asking questions and learning from the rest of the crew. Many a TSD shaving ninja has been birthed there, and I assure you that there is no better group of guys nor anywhere better to go on the entire internet to find shave knowledge and brotherhood than that monthly thread on TSD (titled 30 day rule/ focus).

    So, the weird thing is that this group of internet shaving geeks has become a pretty close knit group of brothers who actually fly across the country/world to meet up with each other and get involved in each others' lives. In fact, I just got off a call with several of the 30DC bretheren, who lamented that the overwhelming popularity of the 30 DC thread and the obscenely high daily post count makes it almost impossible for many of the "alums" to keep up with each other. Ergo, I have created the 30 DC Alumni thread, where shenanigans, brotherhood, and anything else an internet shave geek would like may rule supreme.

    However, be warned:
    1. "Over-posters" may be publicly lambasted here. (In fact, such lambasting is encouraged.)
    2. The resistance snipers are always lurking here, waiting to hang a CT on the unsuspecting.
    3. We are ice cream people here. We also support the free market. So, while cookies are allowed (yes, even cartel supplied propaganda cookies), ice cream reigns supreme.

    So let's get this party started with a few tags. This is just a quick list of "old timers" off the top of my head, so if you are an "alum" feel free to join in and tag others to join too. All subjects are welcome. As was the case with the original, this thread is un-hijackable.

    @Bama Samurai @NCoxSTL @wristwatchb @SharptoothC @Keithmax @mrchick @Drygulch @jtspartan @clint64 @Douglas Carey @Linuxguile @richgem @jluc @jgreenepa @Norcalnewb @9nein9 @Screwtape @PickledNorthern @wchnu @RyX @Boojum1
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    Drygulch, Paul76, brit and 7 others like this.
  2. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    What a fun idea! Long live ice cream!
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 5 others like this.
  3. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    An excellent post, idea and list, my friend. In terms of alumni, might I add @John Ruschmeyer and @cmorris357 to the list?
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 5 others like this.
  4. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

  5. SharptoothC

    SharptoothC I bite..........

    Ice cream forever!

    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 4 others like this.
  6. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Absolutely! Tag away, guys. I'm sure there are many more that will come to mind. @Paul Turner is another. By the way, the criteria for being an "Alum" are pretty loose too, so all shave brethren are welcome to join in.

    In other news, my kids really missed doing the Shavey Award videos this year, as it has become kind of fun (albeit weird) family tradition. I'm sure they'll want to say hello and post a welcome video to all the Alumni shortly.
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 3 others like this.
  7. Edison Carter

    Edison Carter Well-Known Member

    I thought the voting verdict was for Neal @NCoxSTL to resolve the 'thread bloat' issue.

    Thanks for stepping up Randy.

    May I suggest the use of the 'like button' acknowledgements.
    Drygulch, brit, BaylorGator and 3 others like this.
  8. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Good suggestion. By the way, I wasn't aware of any voting or "thread bloat" discussion, as, ironically, I can't keep up with the thread due to the amount of 30 DC posts. However, this thread really isn't intended to have any impact on the 30DC thread. I think the original thread is great and I will continue to pop in as time allows. I'm just offering a convenient place on TSD for the crew to check in with each other , particularly when many have stated that following the main thread on a regular basis isn't always practical for them.

    By the way, my apologies for not tagging you @Edison Carter! I'm sure I missed many other key guys as well.
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 4 others like this.
  9. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Randy, there are times I am tempted to get ice-cream again(for me it would be frozen yogurt). I'd sprinkle my bowl with healthier stuff this time-flax seeds or chia seeds.
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 3 others like this.
  10. Boojum1

    Boojum1 Valet Parking Available Here

    Randy, great idea! Ice Cream rules! One Choco Taco for me.
    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 2 others like this.
  11. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    Samurai is in building.

    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 7 others like this.
  12. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Yesterday was an historic day. Several years and hundreds of soaps after taking up DE, SE and straight shaving, I can finally say I got to the bottom of a tub of shave cream. TOBS Jermyn Street was the victim. Despite my not having the opportunity to conduct my annual den reduction this year (a.k.a. the Shaveys), I’m still working on culling the herd...
    Drygulch, brit, b1hart and 11 others like this.
  13. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Congratulations. I just opened a tub of Cella, I bought it because it performed well in blind samples you sent me. You finish a tub and another one in your name is started.
    Drygulch, brit, b1hart and 5 others like this.
  14. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Randy, congrats on finishing the soap

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    Drygulch, brit, 9nein9 and 2 others like this.
  15. SharptoothC

    SharptoothC I bite..........

    I hope to be just like you one day. I've had a soap almost finished for like 2 years.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
    Drygulch, brit, b1hart and 4 others like this.
  16. 9nein9

    9nein9 Guest

    Did someone say Ice cream??? Please give me some before I turn this spoon into a razor .
    Drygulch, brit, b1hart and 3 others like this.
  17. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    We need to call it SOSAL Distancing. (You know, as in SOSAL Security).
    Drygulch, brit and 9nein9 like this.
  18. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Just checking in, brothers! With life so wildly different, I’ve used the opportunity to make some life changes.

    1. Finally embraced working from home. Set up a new computer at home with 2 screens so I can work seamlessly with the office server. Set up “office hours” in the plant on Wednesday. This will be my new “lower stress” model for the future.

    2. Joined Weight Watchers to drop some of the extra blubber I’m carrying. Down 7lbs so far, with LOTS to go.

    3. Taking tennis lessons from a coach who is whipping me into shape. I HATE weightlifting and cardio, but if it has a ball and a score, I’m in. I’m now trying to revive the athlete of 30 years ago out of this unfit, couch potato body.

    Big changes. Long journey ahead. At least I’m pointed in the right direction now.

    How are you guys doing?
    Drygulch, 9nein9, jtspartan and 5 others like this.
  19. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Drygulch, jtspartan, brit and 2 others like this.
  20. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Congrats on the life changes Randy. Keep up the good work.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Drygulch, brit and wristwatchb like this.

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