A Man Who Needs Help from His Maker

Discussion in 'Clean Jokes' started by ShaversRUs, Sep 9, 2023.

  1. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    A man is out on the ocean in his small sailboat, when suddenly it springs a leak! He doesn't know what to do.

    "Please God. I've led a good life. Please save me!"

    A few minutes later, another man in a boat comes by to help him. "Do you need help?" he asks.

    "No thanks. I have faith. God will help me."

    "Ok, buddy," the other man says, and goes away.

    A few minutes later, a guy in a helicopter hovers over him in the sky. He gets low enough to shout out, "You need help? I'll lower a rope for you to climb up here."

    "No thanks. I have faith. God will help me."

    "Ok," the other man says, and flies away.

    A few minutes later, the Coast Guard comes by. Once again, the guy in the sinking sailboat refuses help.

    The sailboat, having taken on too much water by this time, is about to give out. Just then, God appears.

    "Phew!!!!" the guys says. "What took you so long, God?"

    "What do you mean? I sent a boat, a helicopter, and the Coast Guard!"

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