A short survey

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by Medicdad417, Aug 17, 2015.


Do you bloom your soap?

  1. Almost always

  2. Sometimes

  3. Never

  4. What is blooming

  1. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    No, blooming is done to produce flowers and seed, so we have more soap next year! ;)
    Halvor likes this.
  2. Redfisher

    Redfisher Doesn't celebrate National Donut Day

    Only with a hard soap that hasn't been wet in a while.
  3. TitanTTB

    TitanTTB Well-Known Member

    I sometimes do it with hard soaps in the amount of time it takes me to shower or prepare me shave. I don't think its wasteful unless you puck lather or load aggressively. I find it helps loading especially with a softer floppier brush on harder soaps.
    BTW I've heard of blooming the brush (soaking it in water and the knot sort of opens up when you take it out & shake it off) & bloom water (the water where the brush was soaking usually on top of the soap) but not the term blooming with water on the soap alone.
  4. Halvor

    Halvor Well-Known Member

    Ha! Remove co(n)text and theres plenty to pun on. Being such a mature person, I will, however, refrain from doing so ;)
  5. TitanTTB

    TitanTTB Well-Known Member

    Halvor likes this.
  6. opsimath

    opsimath Well-Known Member

    I bloom my hard soaps but I don't soak them -- instead I just put several drops of hot water on the surface and let it bloom while the brush is soaking. It is probably un-necessary for most soaps (I use shave sticks frequently and never bother to bloom them) but I've developed the blooming habit and I feel like it is beneficial to some degree.

    I think it's a bit like the hot, wet cloth placed on the beard prior to the shave -- pleasant and beneficial, but not really necessary.
  7. Morning Shave

    Morning Shave Well-Known Member

    Very interesting and entertaining thread. I add a few drops on top of MWF or Tabac
    before showering to create lather easier and faster. It works for me.
  8. PatrickA51

    PatrickA51 Well-Known Member

    What he said is what I do.

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