I don't believe I have added any further discussion. As you said, it's not hugely relevant to the conversation. My two cents was simply that I can't stand the way the website is written and I don't want to buy one.
They have a ignore button or you could start your own forum and ban people who make comments you don't like. Open forum and all you know.
I don't plan on it my good sir, and I will state my opinion if I please, carry on and have a wonderful day.
I have never had a "clogging " problem with my "mildest" razor: Feather AS-D2. IMO, lather that is not hydrated enough is the cause.
I've ignored a few people, but a month or two later I unignore them. If they're still a putz I permanently ignore them. I use it as a time out for bad behavior. Unfortunately there are some (I liked, and were characteristically grumpy) that were showed to the door. Grumpy people I like ..... mean people just my thoughts ......
As for the Ascension; it looks interesting, but I've only purchased three modern razors. A Fatip Grande (sold, not for me), Edwin Jagger DE89 (sold, great, but lack of use) and a Ikon SBS (haven't tried yet, need handle). Not that modern are no good, but I'm have fun with vintage right now. By the way for those that don't know this .... I'm CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP like a little bird.
Get around to the SBS, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it. I find it more interesting than successful but I have not shaved that much with it.
I'm in the process of purchasing a handle from Maggard's; probably test it out next week or so. I'll let you know, but right now I'm in Schicktember (Krona).
Oh, i remember well. His scandal made for some very good reading. It turned me off of anything he was associated with.
I'd rather not rehash the entire article that you speak of here, but if you have the links to said article please PM them to me for me to read at my leisure; I'd appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
I'm not re-reading the entire episode, so i will let you have at it. Suffice it to say, character means a lot to me, and my purchasing. https://www.badgerandblade.com/foru...en-watching-the-downfall-of-htgam-ppf.429635/ In a nutshell, Douglas Smythe was caught pretending to be someone/something he wasn't. Kind of a "Stolen Valor" thing. This scandal caused the name change from "How To Grow A Mustache" to "PAA". ...
Back on topic. Used mine for the first time today. Very light razor, but in spite of that it exudes quality. Very tightly made. Loaded it up with a Derby blade, lathered up, and tested away. Two passes and no need for touch up. Excellent quality shave, almost or as good as my R1 gives. Next, I'll try adjusting the blade and see what difference, if any, that makes. I've actually got it set almost too aggressive right now. In summary, an excellent little razor, super light, but seems very nicely made. I'm glad I got it.