Billy Mays is my sworn enemy.

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by Capt America, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. Capt America

    Capt America Member

    You know Billy Mays, the Oxyclean/Orange Glo/Hercules Hook guy.
    Yea him.

    He's my sworn enemy.

    Why? You may be asking...

    If you're the type of person to fall asleep with your TV on, I know you know why.

    The worst feeling in the world is waking up at 3 AM to "BILLY MAYS HERE FOR OXYCLEAN!

    The guy shouts everything he says.

    Tony Little's excitement over his Gazelle has woken me up a time or 2 before as well.
  2. Will

    Will Nevermind

    What about Ronco?
  3. Reformation Student

    Reformation Student New Member

    I always thought it strange that Oxyclean thinks they can sell more product by screaming at you. Car dealerships do the same thing on the radio.

    With all the products Mr. Mays speaks for, I'm surprised you get any sleep at all.:rofl I mean, there must be enough products for him to be on every channel, all night long. :rolleyes:
  4. msandoval858

    msandoval858 Active Member

    At least you didn't call them in a drunken state and order something.

    ...that's how I ended up the proud owner of a Juiceman :rofl
  5. bearbeard

    bearbeard Right Guard

    :roflThat is exactly why they show them at 3am. You don't even have to be drunk just really really tired. I tell you if you sit and watch any of those long enough they will convince you that you need one of these miraculous how does anybody live without this thing now that it exists.

    Its how they promoted AV back in the day!!!:rofl:rofl:rofl

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