Do hackers have something against the clean shaven?

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by johnmrson, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. johnmrson

    johnmrson Member


    Both Badger and Blade and Straight Shaving Place forums are down and SRP had a message "Lol" on the main screen before going off line.

    Perhaps Chinese hackers want us all to have Confusious beards.
  2. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    I was really thinking about a Van Dyke myself.
  3. Williams Warrior

    Williams Warrior Well-Known Member

    If I have to give up traditional wet shaving, I'll be going the way of the mountain man.:D
  4. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    If it was a hack job, I would put my money on them being from Detroit...
  5. dougr

    dougr Well-Known Member

    I was looking for some roller ball ink pen refills last night on ebay and it is amazing to look at the Chinese websites selling these and other things. Their web stores have the sale items moving and stopping when you move your cursor around, they respond to questions immediately, and do a lot more with their sites except English marketing where they screw up. The point, their computer skills are excellent IMHO
  6. Shep

    Shep The Shep Abides

    Huh. SRP is back up but B&B is still down. Wild. I don't really visit anymore but I know lots of folks do. Bet they're really jonesin' for a fix about now!
  7. IAmTheJody

    IAmTheJody Gillette-i Master

    I think B&B's issues lie with it's recent upgrade rather than a hacker. There were already a lot of bugs in it and from what I can tell, their database has gone corrupt. And either their host tech support is closed for the weekend and not available to recover a previous backup, B&B's own in-house tech guru never did any backups or it's all just shite the bed and they are going to have to start all over.
  8. newb

    newb Resident Newb

    I think SRP may be upgrading their web site.
  9. sparky5693

    sparky5693 Administrator Staff Member

    I completely agree. The more I see of the new vbulletin, the happier I am with our decision to look elsewhere. I genuinely feel for those guys over there.
  10. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I joined over at B&B, but it just doesn't have the same feel as here. It might be good, but from what I've seen, this site (TSD) seems to be the best. I find myself on here now more than any other site, (shaving sites, ebay, yahoo, etc...). It just has that "at home" feeling.

    So here's to the fine founders and the mod's who work so hard to keep it this way. "CHEERS"
  11. jcwit

    jcwit Member

    I'm a member of all 3 sites, but The Den is far and away the most polite, friendly, and helpful site of the three. Like Brian just said, The Den makes one feel at home and there seems to be no snobberly here.

    Keep up the good work mods.
  12. NoahG

    NoahG Member

    I think that's how a lot of us made it here. It just feels like home. I only ever visit the other DE sites if its a slow day at the Den, I want to see what stuff is being sold/traded for or if there are reviews there that aren't here. SRP is a great site for Str8s, esp for those into the technical side, like resto and such, but I'm not even proficient with one yet so most of it goes right over my head.
  13. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    Yep, I agree Noah. I really like going to SRP to learn, but still have remained pretty quiet. Those guys know their stuff with respect to str8s and I don't feel like I know enough to keep from sounding like an ass so I don't. I feel like the Abe quote when dealing there. They know their stuff and I feel like I'd be slowing the conversation down by adding to it.

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abe Lincoln
  14. Shaver X

    Shaver X Well-Known Member

    Any enthusiast forum worth its salt has a newbies section, or will otherwise help newcomers learn. Why not introduce yourself there and explain that you are still learning about straights? If they are friendly and helpful, then it is a good place to learn. If they are condescending or impatient, then the place isn't worth a rat's %&# as a learning resource. It is expected, or should be, that newbies to any subject will have very basic, fundamental questions. Any wetshaving aficionado worth the name will be totally stoked to help a new-found compatriot.

    Perhaps a different quote would be more applicable:

    "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever" - Chinese proverb
  15. Williams Warrior

    Williams Warrior Well-Known Member

    I lurk at SRP and they are quite newbie friendly and offer all kinds of advice without making you feel dumb, from what I've seen so far. As far as B&B goes I've been a member there for awhile, and the new system certainly has kinks to work out. When you make a entry, it takes an eternity to post up.
  16. micah1_8

    micah1_8 Poor Heartless Prevert

    A knitting site I frequent recently got hacked, too. I suspect it's somebody trying to skim usernames and passwords. People have a tendency to use the same name and password across multiple sites, and this is a great way to build spam profiles, possibly hack e-mail accounts and find financial data. This brings up a good question for the mods: Are our passwords encrypted?
  17. sparky5693

    sparky5693 Administrator Staff Member

    Vbulletin by default encrypts with MD5 and salts all passwords for increased security.

    Even as administrator, I can change your password to something else (in the event of a manual reset), but I can't see what your password is.

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