We were forced to say goodbye to our sweet dog Monday. November 26th - He went in for his annual exam. His liver numbers were slightly elevated, and he had an abscessed tooth. He was 12 years old and started showing signs of arthritis. The vet recommended Librela, an injection. We unfortunately said yes. At first it seemed to help, but.......... December 5th - He goes back to the vet for dental surgery, which went well, but his bloodwork had gotten worse. He comes home with medicine for his liver, and the typical post surgery meds. He's okay for a few days. Then he starts throwing up. My house was covered in towels. His hind legs started giving out. Friday, the 13th, his stomach seems bloated to me, and the vet prescribed anti-nausea meds and said one of the post surgery meds can upset the stomach's flora. All weekend we sat with the dog. Brought him food (barely eating anything) and water. And watched his breathing getting more and more labored. Monday, Decmeber 16th - Straight to the vet that morning. Bloodwork, and his liver numbers are off the chart, and his kidneys are failing, too. No hope, no choice. 20 days. The vet never said anything about Librela. We had to hear about it from the Nightly News. My neighbor recently lost one of her dogs. She has a scary similar story. 20 days after her first injection and her dog had to be put down. I'm so mad. The house is so quiet. My poor baby suffered. It was horrible.
Sorry for your loss but thank you for the warning. Our dog is getting up there in years and has a bit of arthritis. Luckily our vet didn't recommend it or I would have done the same thing.
So sorry for your loss, JoAnna. Father, bless JoAnna with Your peace that passes our understanding. All for Your glory. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen
I hold onto this verse that I will see my departed pets in heaven. This is John's look into the throne room of heaven. "Every creature" means every creature will be there, and we will hear them and understand them! Revelation 5:13 New King James Version 13 And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
I am living proof of this.(and it was someone else's pet). I entered the home of my Xcel tutor, who had 2 dogs. The place was like a church-the tutor and his wife were quiet almost the whole time, mourning the loss of one of their dogs. Needless to say, there was no lesson that day.
The news wanted to hear my story. https://www.wdbj7.com/2024/12/20/our-dog-suffered-end-dog-dies-after-receiving-librela-injection/
Our pets truly become beloved members of the family. I’m sorry your handsome dog died, @Queen of Blades JoAnna. What was his name?
Thank you for sharing JoAnna ...... It's amazing the huge holes our little fuzzy family leave in our lives when they go on ahead of us.
JoAnna, poor Berkeley's story made me think of some of the programs I love on the network The Animal Planet that show vet work, like Rocky Mtn. Vet(Jeff) and Vet Life. I have to wonder if Berkely would still be with you today under their care. Sadly, we'll never know. Those guys are great vets.
I appreciate all the thoughts and prayer. I just have to say this pain is worse than any other furbaby I've had to say goodbye to. The vet said there was no side effects, and as far as I can tell she believed that and still does. The manufacturer has told vets this. I've read so many similar stories this week, with so many vets using the same language, "no side effects" "wonder drug". My dog was healthy. The person I trusted to care for his health and wellbeing was unable to tell me why his health failed in such a short matter of time.
I’m so sorry for the loss of Berkeley. Our dogs are family, and we love them. Our Lab will be 10 New Year’s Eve, and now has arthritis. Our vet has recommended Librela, but so far I have declined. I’m sorry Berkeley, and you with him, suffered. Thanks for sharing so others are aware.