Downtown Seattle shaving supplies?

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by Jay S, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. Jay S

    Jay S Active Member

    Hello All,
    I'll be taking the train up from PDX on Saturday morning for a quick concert weekend. On arrival, are there any brick and mortar stores in walking distance from the station that would carry any shaving supplies? I'm not looking for anything specific, just wanting to do more than online shopping...

    Thanks and enjoy the ride,
    feeltheburn and brit like this.
  2. Shaver X

    Shaver X Well-Known Member

    Wow, rather ghost town around here at the moment. I am surprised there weren't any responses. Anyways, maybe Google or Bing would help? Now that Art of Shaving closed its shops, brick-and-mortar shaving products stores are few and far between. Nearly everything seems to be moving online nowadays.

    Searching on the terms:

    "Seattle" shaving products store"Seattle"+shaving+products+store

    brings up a number of results. This one might work:

    Seattle Sundries at Venue
    5408 22nd Avenue NW
    Seattle, WA

    Crafts fairs and cutlery stores often have at least some shaving products. The former should be popping up around now for the Christmas season. Hope this helps!
    Jay S and brit like this.
  3. Jay S

    Jay S Active Member

    @Shaver X Thanks for the response. I'll keep this in mind next time I head back up there. We've already returned...

    Enjoy the ride,
  4. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    There was a knife and sword shop in downtown Portland that carried Merkur razors and a selection of new straight razors. Don't know if they are still in business though.
    Jay S likes this.

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