feather artist club ss blade choices

Discussion in 'Straight Razors' started by nathan, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. nathan

    nathan Active Member

    hello all i have a feather artist club ss i got it oct 10th for my birthday and am yet to get any blades so i was wondering what my choices and what website to buy on (i'm in the uk) i know feather make 4 choices???? someone mentioned kia??????? i'm not fussed by the guard. im up for a sharp learning curve. i have read that feather blades can be hit and miss. all my google searches for kia have come back with nothing or cars. i'm sure you guys can help thanks.
  2. johnus

    johnus Well-Known Member

    The nicest shave that I get with the Feather is with their Proguards. Clean smooth 2x shave.
    More important, very easy and forgiving to shave with.
  3. alpla444

    alpla444 That's sweet!

  4. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
  5. NYShaver

    NYShaver New Member

    I use both the Feather Artist Club SS and the KAI Captain Standard razors. Both razors take the same blades. There are four Feather blades: the Super Professional, which has the greatest blade exposure and is very aggressive; the Professional Light, which IMO is next to useless; and the Professional and ProGuard blades, which are both excellent. KAI has two production blades, both of which are excellent: the KAI Captain Titan Mild and the Captain Titan Mild ProTouch MG (guard). You may wish to purchase all four blades and determine which you prefer. As there is a steep learning curve, I would suggest you start with either the Feather or KAI guard blades.

    These blades are the sharpest production blades, sharper even than the most well-honed standard straight that I have ever used, so proper preparation and technique are a must, or there will be blood.
  6. nathan

    nathan Active Member

    Thanks for the info. I went with the feather pros at the end of Oct I have used only the ss with them since then. Getting on really well with it only one slice under my nose on my fist go and I nicked my chin on Fri. I do struggle around the chin area xtg and atg. But so far so good thanks again for the info
  7. johnus

    johnus Well-Known Member

    In US and Canada. Best prices I've found was the Italianbarber.com. Free shipping to both counties with $60 or more.

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