I have been looking to purchase a new razor and just about had my mind set on the Dovo Best Quality 5/8 when I came across some older razors on ebay. I have no problem with a used or older razor....I would just like the best quality and shave. So would it be better for me to go with the Dovo or maybe a Taylors 1000 or a kropp from ebay, as long as you restoration guys don't outbid me
Gravelman, there are several gentlemen on this thread who can provide some insight. Glen (gssixgun) and Jamie Mahoney are two that come to mind quickly. Glen is in the U.S. and Jamie is in the U.K. I think either one or both can provide you with some good information. I know that several others that use Straight razors will also come in with information. Good fortune.
Hi there, if you want my advice on a first straight razor the first thing I'd recommend is Larry Andro at Whippeddog and get his beginner set. You get everything you need to start out without a large output of cash on your part. Secondly since it seems you've never dealt with straights before please stay away from Ebay as you don't have the expierience to know whether your getting worn out junk or not. I won't even touch the bay stuff as I've never rehabed a razor and don't want to get burned.
Either will work well but you need to make sure that it has been honed by someone that knows what they are doing so you get a truely shave ready straight.
LOL First off it ain't us restoration guys outbidding you we know better The big problem with new guys and E-bay is you don't know what to look for, the names you mentioned are good ones but there is more to it then that... This is a thread I did some time back that you might find interesting and maybe even helpful... http://theshaveden.com/forums/threads/can-it-be-restored.21928/ If you decide on a new Dovo then hit up Lynn and Don over at Straightrazordesigns.com nd ask about the free honing specials... A used razor you have a ton of choices, just make sure it is truely shave ready (as John already pointed out) it will make life much easier..
I have decided to go with the beginner kit from Larry at Whipped Dog. Thanks Warrior for that advice. I can't wait to get started.
+1 I got my first straight in the sight unseen deal from Larry and it was a perfect start. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I received the kit from Larry this evening. I am beyond thrilled at how nice of a razor and setup that was included. He also threw in some trial soap and detailed maintenance for everything. He was extremely prompt with shipping and I must say I am extremely excited for my first shave!!
I think you'll do fine, just take your time and only go as fast as your comfortable. There's no shame in starting out with just your sideburns or cheek and going from there as you progress.
All very good information given by everyone, dont forget you dont have to complete a full shave with straight first time, start with the easiest sections of your face shaving is not a race no pressure on yourself, think about the angle you will be using your opposite hand to apply pressure to your skin slightly stretching, make sure you dont overlook how important your prep is soften the bristles you will need a very good lather, and being your first straight shave I would use a pre shave just to give you a good cushion, good luck with your shave. Regards Jamie.
Nope. Sorry. Doesn't count without pics! Seriously, enjoy your new toys. Good advice so far. You'll do fine!