Getting security alert about the site.

Discussion in 'The Help Desk' started by jaro, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. jaro

    jaro the dread and the fear

    As the title says I'm getting a security alert about the site...


    Why would this be showing??
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  2. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    No clue. It's not doing that for me.
  3. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 16.50.16.png

    Do you see that padlock on the left?
    This is a secure site.
    Paul Turner likes this.
  4. jaro

    jaro the dread and the fear

    I don't understand why it is doing it either and yes I know its a secure site but for some reason its still giving that warning...
  5. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    Do you have "https" at the beginning of the website address?
    Paul Turner likes this.
  6. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    It may have something to do with the current data breach(es). I'll watch out.
    jaro likes this.
  7. DrStrange

    DrStrange Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I get that when I use an old device
    which doesn't recognize modern "certificates" of some sort or another,
    from various websites.
    jaro likes this.
  8. jaro

    jaro the dread and the fear

    Yes i did.


    Good to now..

    Just as an addendum, the site has been playing fairly nicely lately .. only sometimes on an android device do I still see that. I also changed to a non-chrome based browser on android and it doesn't do that with it... So it appears it might have had something to do with chrome browser not getting along with the site...
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024
    DrStrange and Paul Turner like this.

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