Happy OCtober!

Discussion in 'Freebies' started by chazt, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    IMG_0633.jpeg I dig themed shaves. Days, months, you name it! IMG_0635.jpeg In the spirit of Open Comb OCtober this barely used Merkur head can be yours if you promise to use it for at least every other OCtober shave and post your shaves for all to see and groove upon. Open to North American members please. Please indicate your interest below. The winner will be chosen at random at 10pm Eastern time on Monday, OCtober 2, 2023. Blades included (the Lord tuck is open and assorted).
    Zykris, wristwatchb, clint64 and 4 others like this.
  2. Chappy_Stan

    Chappy_Stan Well-Known Member

    Cool PIF but I'm not in.
    brit, chazt and Trigger like this.
  3. brit

    brit in a box

    i'm in...OC OCtober..:eatdrink047:
    chazt and Trigger like this.
  4. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    That's generous of you Charlie, but I am good with what I have.
    chazt and brit like this.
  5. brit

    brit in a box

    i will say..i have lots of OC razors.i would rather someone who doesn't have an OC razor to win..
    chazt likes this.
  6. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    You takin’ it back G? Don’t do it! :rolleyes005: :rolleyes:
    brit likes this.
  7. brit

    brit in a box

    not taking back anything..:)
    chazt likes this.
  8. sidpost

    sidpost Active Member

    Tempting but, I'm into the Fatip Open Combs so I will let this one pass.
    brit and chazt like this.
  9. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Gary @brit, will you kindly send me a PM please?
    brit likes this.
  10. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Winner winner chicken dinner!
    I guess one more open comb razor can’t hurt, right G?
    Thanks for playing :cool:
    brit likes this.
  11. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you so much Charlie.looking forward to using it.:):eatdrink047::cool:
    chazt likes this.
  12. brit

    brit in a box

    merkur OC
    av sport

    chazt likes this.
  13. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Great shave, Gary! I like it with the ball end handle. Good choice. The razor looks right at home. Enjoy your shaves :happy088:
    brit likes this.
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Charlie.sligh color change between the chrome and nickel plate but close enough.:):eatdrink047:fine shave.
    chazt likes this.

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