Hario "Skerton"....."Skeleton"........grinder

Discussion in 'The Good Life' started by rick, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. rick

    rick I'll make ya SCream!

    If anyone has info on when and where these will be available,
    please post here and / or PM me.
  2. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

  3. rodd

    rodd Knotty Boy

    Have you heard reviews on these? That would be perfect for work.
  4. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    They are supposed to be the best in the price and in terms of newly produced hand grinders. They work better for espresso than drip/french so I've read. The further the burrs are apart the more wobble there is giving you an uneven grind.
  5. brumble

    brumble New Member

    I've been looking at hand grinders but hadn't seen that one. Is there any real difference, apart from looks, between the Skerton/Skeleton and the Hario Ceramic Slim?

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