Honeybee Gardens Bay Rum Deodorant Powder

Discussion in 'Skincare Reviews' started by TraderJoe, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. TraderJoe

    TraderJoe Pink Floid

    In my constant search for healthy deodorant products, I have stumbled upon another that excels in all categories. In fact, this has supplanted my current favorite and I just may order a barrel of it.

    The fragrance (Bay Rum) is actually quite similar to Ogallala, but without the rosemary oil. And while the scent doesn't last very long, as most bay rum's don't, you are left with a clean & neutral smelling armpit. All day.

    Keeps you dry too!

    Baking soda seems to make all the difference, as I have tried a "natural" powder from J/A/S/O/N and it simply didn't work. And it smelled feminine.

    [SIZE=-1]Ingredients: Baking soda, cornstarch, arrowroot, essential oils fragrance[/SIZE]

    Here's a discussion thread, this stuff is good but "under the radar".
  2. Guillaume

    Guillaume Member

    Thanks, Joe. I, too, am always looking for a naturally based deodorant that actually works. I had found one I was really happy with, but it contained--wait for it--tea tree and lavender oils. :confused: So I'm very interested in checking this out.


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