I gave them up. Too hard to keep away from the cigarettes in between. And five months out of the year it's too damn cold to enjoy one anyway.
We have AC, when it's as hot as it's been unfortunately it wasn't as effective as I'd like. But to answer your question probably 2 or 3.
I wear a Paracord bracelet at times, I believe my cords are longer, I'll check. I'm a big fan of being prepared, living in earthquake country you never know.
Yeah, not much of an earthquake hazard here, but we can have them. More of a winter storm, tornado, get stuck in the woods, or stuck on the hwy concerns here. Just ordered this to incorporate in a bracelet. Small ferrocerium rod and a striker... just in case I am separated from my pack, car, etc, and soaking wet I should be able to light a fire for signaling/warmth. Of course all my tinder would be in my pack or car. But a spark is a start.
Sure, if I want to carry a lighter all the time. I have a tendency to bend keys that are in my pocket. Not really planning on having a lighter in there. Plus, I am not allowed to have those at work... unless part of a science lab Now, I do have lighters and matches in my pack and in the car. They just aren't allowed at work. Also, you can't count on a lighter to light. It is too easy for a neglected lighter to accidentally be pressed and loose its butane. Also, the flint mechanism could be messed up on a drop/fall. When wet, they don't always light properly either. So, yeah.. A ferrocerium rod may seem primitive, but this is just one of the many methods I have ready for when I need them.
The day after Labor Day is when NYC teachers go back to work. It's what retired teachers call "Gloating Day."
Was over at my Mom's to make measurements of a couch I'll be getting from there. So sad to be in the house alone :-(. Then I went to get a much needed haircut(I was beginning to look like I had one of those Davy Crockett coonskin caps on).
Pretty decent weekend....high school team got trounced, but the band rocked. Saturday, got some woodworking done, then watched the Tide Roll. Sunday, good worship service, son's 15th birthday party. Monday went shooting (got to fire an AR...and it is now in the shopping cart for when my gift card arrives ). Today, back to work...Tuesday's after a Monday off are always, just....just.....BGDAAAAH!
She passed away Aug. 10, after about 9 days in the Skilled Nurse&Rehab area of where she was sent. Very peaceful and comfortable place she had..they couldn't have taken better care of her.