How's Your Day? September 2017

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by richgem, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    How did she prepare it....regular coffee with an ice cube or two??
  2. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    I'm sorry for your loss, Paul.

    I'm glad she was well taken care of in her final days, though.
    macaronus and blondblue like this.
  3. Etoyoc

    Etoyoc Backwards

    Actually, we are already in week 4 of the school year here in NWI. And congrats to all retired teachers!

    Sorry for your loss, as JoAnna already stated, I am glad that she was well taken care of.
    blondblue and Sara-s like this.
  4. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Thank you JoAnna..
  5. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    I'm having an awesome day!

    I sold a vintage BunnOMatic for $300 on Ebay this morning, and then I got a call from Lowes. They offered me the job!

    macaronus, RyX, SharptoothC and 7 others like this.
  6. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    Queen of Blades likes this.
  7. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Very good :)).
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  8. Etoyoc

    Etoyoc Backwards

    Yay! Hooray! Glad to hear you got such good news. Now to google bunnomatic to confirm that is what I think it is...
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  9. cmorris357

    cmorris357 catching flies.........

    Wasn't that a piece of exercise equipment endorsed by Suzanne Somors?
    RyX, AGHisBBS, sol92258 and 1 other person like this.
  10. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Queen of Blades likes this.
  11. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    Thanks, everyone!
    I'm still a little nervous. I haven't been an employee for 16 years.

    No, that was the Thigh Master.

    BunnOMatic is a coffeemaker.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2017
    RyX, Erik Redd and cmorris357 like this.
  12. cmorris357

    cmorris357 catching flies.........

    I was being a little facetious, but anyway, congratulations on the new job!
    RyX and Queen of Blades like this.
  13. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    I figured, but thought I'd clear it up for others. :)

    RyX, Erik Redd and cmorris357 like this.
  14. Erik Redd

    Erik Redd Lizabeth, baby, I'm comin' to join ya.

    I'm glad you did, because when I read about Suzanne Somers and the Bunn'omatic I thought "I remember that"
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  15. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

  16. RetLEO-07

    RetLEO-07 likes his penguin deep fried, with pink sparkles

    Got an email from my son. His orders came through for his Captains Course. He leaves the ROK the last week of September. His course starts the first week of November. He's got a month to get his stuff from Ft. Hood to Ft. Benning. Now if Fat Boy Kim can refrain from doing anything really stupid, that would be great.
    AGHisBBS likes this.
  17. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Been a busy day. I recently acquired a vintage pocket watch that probably belonged to my maternal grandmother. (My mom had it ,just sitting in the safe-deposit box and doesn't know its history.) As I am the one member of the family who has an interest in vintage watches, she gave it to me & I had it restored.

    So today, I had it appraised and then took it home, photographed it & added it to my insurance policy.
    macaronus, AGHisBBS and richgem like this.
  18. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Interesting... are you sure it was grandMA's and not grandPA's? I would think it would have been unusual for a woman to have a pocket watch.
  19. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Yes the style & size of the watch show that it was designed for a woman. I suspect that many women's "pocket watches" ended up being worn as pendants.
    AGHisBBS, RetLEO-07 and Erik Redd like this.
  20. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Oh, cool. I thought that pendant or broach was the go to option. But, I guess it makes sense to just use a pocket watch in that way instead of having a separate category.
    Erik Redd and Sara-s like this.

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