Next time you guys get to the village let me know and we can meet up for a few beers. I live about 30 minutes away. Sent from my Samsung S8+ using Tapatalk
Well my day isn't really that bad ... Sold my last Italian military mirror on the bay, so not all bad. Enjoying a couple of strawberry daiquiris with my patient wife, so it is probably just me. Being unemployed kind of puts a stink on some days. Just need to remember how blessed I really am!
Spent the weekend camping by myself. It was nice having some time without needing to talk or listen to anyone. Got back, coached softball practice, and now back home again. When I was out camping, I made a run into town (free multimeter with any purchase at Harbor Freight this weekend, and I need some for school). While I was out, I stopped at a Big Lots, wasn't looking for it, but picked up a 1.50 TTO cheapo razor, because, you know.. hey cheap DE.
Throat Punch Thursday Ya Cain't Trust That Day Throat Punch Thursday I Guess We Just Have To See It That Wwwwwwaaaayyyyy, YAYUH
Yesterday was a major clean up day at my Mom's-two guys whose job it is to remove large furniture and other various items They'll be back Thursday to finish up, but they got a lot done yesterday. I took some things back here, too....need to spend time today unloading my car. To some, it may appear as if I am just moving in!!
It was a 13 hour day, but working at a theatre has some benefits... I got to meet John Cleese tonight. I also recently got an upgrade for the software that controls the marquee, so now I am able to import images and animations now too. My cellphone sucks so the quality of the pic is not so awesome. Overall, it was a pretty memorable day.
I just got back from a trip to the jeweler who restored my grqandmother's watch. I wanted to wear it tonight, so imagine my dismay when I opened it up to set it, and found that the minute hand had fallen off. (It's still there, within the crystal, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be free-floating.). Given the cost of the repair, I expected it to last longer. Needless to say, I made my displeasure known, but I will not be wearing it tonight. Now for a bit of perspective; it's just a watch. No one is injured, sick or dead. I'm annoyed, but it's not the end of the world.
Yup... it is so much more relaxing. I do enjoy camping with family, but that isn't the same level of camping.
Shifted last night from night shift (16.45 PM - 03.00 AM) to day shift (06.45 AM to 16.45 PM). Luckily I was allowed to leave 'early' yesterday (20.30 PM with full pay for 10 hours), so I should have had my 7 hours sleep. Were it not that I woke up 1 1/2 hour earlier than the alarm clock. Oh, well... <shrug> At least I'm having an early weekend!