Woww after using this wonderful cream for the first time, I have to say that is easily in my top 3 list. Produced in Cairo Egypt by Middle East Chemicals Co. It produces a rich, slick lather in no time!! with a lovely minty scent and a good menthol punch. The perfect cream for the summer months. Made in a secret location in Cairo, Egypt.
It is an awesome cream, dirt cheap in Egypt like $1.29 but worth paying the extra dollars I purchased mine from Ebay seller too, shipped free from Cairo. 2 tubes for 10 bucks, not bad for such great quality cream.!! Much better than the Ingram version from the UK.
Oh, cool that you have it Jeff! If I wanted to ask about the menthol level, you are just the guy since you explore out of the envelope of common shavers.
Dear Jeff, The Ingram creams from Egypt are real high class with a good menthol punch.!! Specially the green version (extra cool).