Ok, she did it...

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by geogaga, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. geogaga

    geogaga Member

    I thought my wife will just stick to Omega cream and the Gillette Rubie razor. Today she took Proraso white bowl and said that she confiscates it as well... and my 7 o'clocks... and my superbadger brush.
  2. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    It's cheaper and easier to give her what she wants...

    If she's not happy, you're not happy.

    I've been down that road before.
  3. geogaga

    geogaga Member

    No, everything is fine. I just wonder :) I remember what were her eyes when she saw me shaving with DE for the first time...
  4. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    I got you there.

    I was pretty nervous the first time. My ex told me that she would buy me blades so I didn't have to mess with these grandpa razors. She never warmed up to the DE razors.
  5. ahahahahahaha .... you have to redo almost everything you need to shave! for his wife and another from this ....
  6. Shawna

    Shawna 1000 Music Tag Bonus Points Awarded!

    :D That's all she took?!?
  7. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Don't worry--you know whose shoulder to tap for more of Proraso White soap! ;)
  8. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Proraso White soap? I must have this!
  9. BassTone

    BassTone Well-Known Member

    That's OK

    My wife now uses my....well, formally my, Gillette adjustable Slim and Tryphon Rosa soap. But I found that my '61 Fat Boy and Super Speed suite me better. ...I'm allergic to rose items anyway :( though I didn't find that out until after I tried the Tryphon Rosa and many other rose based products since - they also belong to her now, but hey! at least we have another convert.
  10. Mynorx

    Mynorx New Member

    I'm gonna get my woman a badger brush so she can start using some of my stuff. I don't have too many creams( I think I have about 12 creams and soaps) but I do have some that are a year old and have only been used about half. I need some help using them up so I can buy more.
  11. I got my girlfriend a Blue Star Lady Gillette and also ordered (on JoAnna's suggestion) some TOBS Avocado which has yet to come in. Hopefully she'll warm up to it.
  12. geogaga

    geogaga Member

    I'm thinking of getting Coate's.
  13. MikekiM

    MikekiM Well-Known Member

    That's just wrong.. share, borrow.. okay. Confiscate? Openly? Way wrong..

    I think you need to retaliate...
  14. TheCopperHat

    TheCopperHat Member

    My wife warmed up to it quite well, she's using a brush I made for her, a bakelite handled shick injector and arko sensitive. She quite enjoys it, gets quite the response from most of her friends who have started to get interested in it now as well.
  15. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    You are getting a PM! ;)
  16. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

    Ahhh married life I remember it well..... you get use to having things taken like that. My Ex however never did get into the whole brush and soap thing.
  17. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    My wife will NEVER confiscate from me anything.......I think sometimes that she feel to throw all my stuff out! :happy102
  18. jmollica

    jmollica New Member

    I also bought my wife a blue star gillette - she hasn't used it yet, but she loves the black beauty (which is her birth year). I am getting a brush for her to use, as she hasn't had the brush experience just yet. I also want to try some TSD scented sample soaps, etc...
  19. mezz524

    mezz524 New Member

    I just let my wife take what she wants.
    Then i just buy more for myself.
    It's easier that way. No hassle attitude.
  20. dashmaverick

    dashmaverick Member

    Oh you poor, poor enslaved men. :D

    I'm quite enjoying the batchelor life, as the world is my oyster. I am master of my domain! :D :D

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