Parker injector razor blades...good as Schick?

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Jim O, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    My local pharmacy discontinued Schick injector blades. Do Parkers compare favorably?
    brit likes this.
  2. PatrickA51

    PatrickA51 Well-Known Member

    you can still get Schick injector blades on Amazon but they also carry Parker Blades but I think they are just a good. That's just my opinion. I have used both Schick Injector Blades and the Parker Injector Blades.
    brit likes this.
  3. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    Parker blades are rebranded Personna blades. With that said Personna blades are not as sharp as Schicks but are cheaper per blade. Usually the rule of thumb is you should try both brands with a new razor and see what works best for yourself.
    PatrickA51 and chazt like this.
  4. John Beeman

    John Beeman Little chicken in hot water

    Sometimes the Personna plastic dispensers come apart and can be frustrating to deal with. If you save a metal Schick dispenser you can transfer other blades to it.
    PatrickA51 and chazt like this.
  5. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    I'm more concerned with the sharpness of the Parkers.
  6. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Maybe not as sharp as Schick blades, but still able to get 10 shaves from them. Possibly more, but that's where I stop. And as @BBS mentioned, they're Personna blades.
    Jim O likes this.
  7. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    It is not so much the sharpness in this case but the razor itself. Aggressive razors are more forgiving with less sharp blades than mild razors. The difference is even larger when it comes to injector style blades. Part of the decision will come down to how one shaves and what their expectations are. There is no singular answer here since a less sharp blade like the Personna blades maybe more than satisfactory in a particular instance.
  8. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    I haven’t used the Parker or Supply brands but I have used Personnas, Japanese Schicks with the keyed dispenser, the Japanese Proline B-20s, and yellow pack “Chicks.” My injector razors are a Schick Type G and a Type I and an Asylum Injector.

    Agreed with the gentleman @John Beeman above about the “finicky” Personna dispenser. That, and their least-sharp-injector-blade status puts them at the bottom of the heap for me. And for that reason I haven’t tried to reload them into a metal container. People say it helps, I’ll take their word for it ;)

    My favorite blade is the Chick. I like them just a bit more than the two Japanese blades, which frankly feel like the same blade to me. It’s a shame that the OP can’t source the yellow package locally. I always buy mine from my local, independent pharmacy. May have to pay ‘em a visit this week and stock up!
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
    Chappy_Stan and brit like this.
  9. brit

    brit in a box

    i like and use the Chick injectors are the G"66" and an I 1 short handle in black/chrome.chicks are more than adequate for my infrequent use.:):eatdrink047:
    chazt likes this.
  10. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Gary, we seem to have similar tastes in a few shave related areas :eatdrink047:
    brit likes this.
  11. brit

    brit in a box

  12. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    Not sure what they sell now, but when I bought my Supply razor a few years ago, they came with blades in a white dispenser, and I believe these actually were Personnas. While I wasn't a big fan of the razor, those blades worked great in a vintage Schick injector.
    WhyAreYouMe likes this.
  13. WhyAreYouMe

    WhyAreYouMe Active Member

    I believe you're right. That's all there was pretty much. That being said, they are basically all I have used(with the exception of some vintage schick blades) and they get the job done. Smooth until dull.
  14. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    I bought a bunch of Chicks a few years ago, but haven't tried them yet. I also have what I think are "Ted Pella" Personnas that came with my Parker Adjustable Injector. I have a few vintage Schick blades that came with some of the vintage injectors I bought, and they perform very well. I've neglected my injectors for a long while as I have focused on DE for the last year.
    WhyAreYouMe likes this.
  15. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    I continue to use the white-case blades that I got from Supply, and they work well in vintage Schicks.

    Is there more than one American-made (ASR/Personna/Edgewell/Ted Pella) injector blade made today? Or are they all just repackaged/rebranded versions of the same blade?

    I also use some vintage Schicks -- in a red, green, and white metal container. They are not as smooth as the Supply ones, but then again I haven't tried them all in the same razor yet. That's the issue with most injector razors -- you can't remove the blade from one razor and try it in another. I've been wanting to cycle through all my injector razors that I haven't used yet, and this is a problem for that very reason. It's a long process -- especially since the blades last for so many darned shaves!

    And I still haven't tried my V1 Parker injector razor yet.

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