Parker & their new adjustable. OC Variant....

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Str8on2, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    Parker recently released their new Variant Adjustable here in the US with their distributor, Super Safety Razors based in New York but, in an open comb format. As some of you know, I like new and shiny things so, I says to self "what the heck" and ordered one about a week and change back. I have a couple of the Original releases with different colored handles and they perform very well in my experience. I thought the open comb version would bring a different feel and just could provide some more blade feel for those who prefer that quality in a razor. The OG performs and gives plenty of feedback & blade feel but, there are some that chase more of it.

    There are no design changes in terms of head design and its operating procedure. Dimensions are nearly identical from the SB to the OC version. Quality is quite good and I think the adjustment mechanism to me seems to move freely and with less friction on the OC razor than the SB. At least to me it does. There are some aesthetic changes and I've posted a few pics below so that one can see those changes in a side by side comparison.


    I had my first shave with it late yesterday evening and though it's just the first shave, I felt as if this version is smoother on the skin while still providing ample blade feel. It's not harsh or an intimidating feel as the SB version isn't an aggressive blade monster neither but, this shave felt very easy on the skin. The teeth on the comb are very well rounded with no angular or pointy like finish and feel to them. I only used two settings as the first pass was at 3.5 and the final pass plus a third buff run was at 2.5 or thereabouts. Very comfortable and enjoyable shave that produced a BBS finish quite easily. A couple red dots appeared on the chin and corner of the mouth from my over zealous attitude on buffing the area and that's on me, not the razor. A quick cold water splash and aluminum pass and they were gone. No irritation nor any other blood drawn elsewhere. Skin felt very calm & relaxed and very supple to the touch when all was done. Really nice first shave. I have to add that the Gillette Minora on its 3rd use was marvelous and the Taconic shave cream provides some spectacular suds with excellent protection and slickness qualities.

    I may have to do a comparison side by side shave between OC & SB versions to either confirm or dispell my thoughts on the OC being a smoother and easier razor on the skin. It could also be that the teeth allows more of the lather to come through giving that easier and more free flowing like action. More shaves to come and see where it leads me to.


    For under $60 US dollars, it's not a bad option for one to consider especially if one is looking into an open comb razor that has the ability to adjust on the fly and is affordable. Not many available on the market as the Pearl Flexi-OC version is the only other razor within this price range that offers this capability. The next one is substantially higher in price but, is made of excellent alloys with equal craftsmanship which is the Taiga by Homelikeshaving. And personally, the Taiga is on a different level of performance & quality in my opinion. Not that either of the offerings from Pearl & Parker can't perform because they can and do. It's just another league of quality & precision.

    Great shaves to all..... :eatdrink047:
    PLANofMAN, Ron R, feeltheburn and 7 others like this.
  2. Michael_W

    Michael_W Well-Known Member

    Interesting development! I recently obtained the 96R and the 65R, and both razors proved incredibly aggressive on my face. I'll use them for shaving off my beard on 1 December after No-Shave November ends, but that'll likely only be for the first pass before switching to another razor. Then again, I may use my Parker Variant Closed Comb version. I wonder what prompted this development and if it'll be sold alongside the older Variant.
    Ron R likes this.
  3. Herm2502

    Herm2502 off to elf practice

    The Variant is one of my favorite razors. An OC version? I'm in!!

    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  4. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Because the open comb design allows for more soap/cream to remain on the face, before the blade touches the whiskers. Solid bars wipe most away before the cut.

    Ron R, Michael_W and Str8on2 like this.
  5. galhatz

    galhatz Member

    I have both. They are excellent.
    Both better in my opinion than the progress (better tolerances and plating).
    I usually shave at the mildest setting at 1. The open comb at 1 is like 1.5 on the solid bar. Great head design.
    Michael_W and Ron R like this.
  6. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    Looks like a great product to shave with.
  7. ChiefShaver

    ChiefShaver Well-Known Member

    I have the OC on it´s way to me. I never used the CC Variant, but i have the Progress and many of the people who tried both razors, meant that the Variant would be better. I am curious…

    It is a great looking razor. Ordered it in the Graphite finish. Let´s see…

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