Pinaud Clubman plastic bottle... problem?

Discussion in 'Preshave and Aftershave' started by Jim O, May 27, 2023.

  1. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is.
  2. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    I was thinking of trying that. I think I'll pass, then.
  3. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    My wife is super picky about what scents I wear. She only likes Derby City Chop Shop Winter Reserve and the LE Seattle Shave Con 'Boozy Barbershop' from PAA. So by extension she'll probably like their 'Lather Blaster 3000,' which is a refined version of that.

    Or basically anything that is bourbon, tobacco, vanilla, and sandalwood, with a light dusting of floral on top. Super common scent profile, that. :rolleyes:


    That particular mix just comes across as a Barbasol/barbershop type smell to my nose.
    Jim O likes this.
  4. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    What does she think of the REGULAR Clubman?
    Jim O likes this.
  5. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    I've never tried it.
    Paul Turner likes this.
  6. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    She's nuts. I like it.
  7. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    It's "The Quintessential Barbershop Scent"(not my words, theirs, but I would agree).
    gorgo2 and Jim O like this.
  8. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    The thing I don't care for with the Special Reserve is the sweet, spicy note that I'm picking up. If the Original has that same note, I wouldn't care for it either.
    Paul Turner likes this.
  9. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    No, the Original is pure Barbershop-like you just walked out of one. Special Reserve is what I call "Pinaud Heads West".
    Jim O likes this.
  10. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    Special Reserve: think Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum -- you get the picture. I don't detect anything sweet in it.
    Jim O and Paul Turner like this.
  11. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound

    About the plastic bottle of Clubman Pinaud new line Reserve, the cap has a problem.
    As you can see in the picture, if lying down It loses.

    But the solution I found is simple: a little cellophane.
    This also improves the durability of the fragrance over time. In fact, today is as good as new.
    elektrotasil and Paul Turner like this.
  12. NTR

    NTR Well-Known Member

    I’ve decanted multiple Pinaud AS into glass. I definitely smell a difference but I won’t say it’s better. Pouring out of glass feels more upscale thought, IMO. The aplastic bottles feel a little, uh, cheap? Which they are of course. Only the smell is expensive!
    gorgo2 and Jim O like this.
  13. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    FWIW, now that my Special Reserve is in a glass bottle, it smells different to me. Ah, the power of suggestion!
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    they all smell better from glass.a little more refined,less cheap.;)
    gorgo2 and Jim O like this.
  15. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Good grief! Now I still have the Aqua Velva Musk, and Brut to transfer to glass. I wouldn't want to smell cheap and unrefined, even if that would probably suit my personality better.:cool:
    gorgo2 and brit like this.
  16. brit

    brit in a box

    when i liked aqua velva and brut they came in glass bottles.just my 2 cents.;):eatdrink047:
    Jim O likes this.
  17. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    And now?????
    brit likes this.
  18. brit

    brit in a box

    i still like them,and will transfer them to glass when i acquire suitable bottles.:)
    Paul Turner likes this.
  19. chevyguy

    chevyguy Well-Known Member

    I still have a few empties from 10 years ago. I liked the glass bottles.

    Sent from my SM-A526U using Tapatalk
    brit likes this.
  20. brit

    brit in a box

    very cool.:):eatdrink047:

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