First off, I couldn't help but notice the picture looks peculiarly like a box of chocolates.? While I'm not debating weather it would smell good, I think it would be difficult to get a good lather out of it. And now for something completely different, my question to you. If you were building a sampler pack for noobs, which six, of the creams listed would you say I *have* to try? I was thinking Tabac and Proraso (they seem popular and classic), so far I have just used hard soaps, so I haven't used any of the creams listed. Here's the link below, if you would like to add a reason for your choices I would much appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your input. Shaving Cream Sampler 6 pack -…
Many have touted the three T's - Taylor's, Trumper's and Truefitt. I can personally recommend The Body Shop Maca Root. Add your Proraso and Tabac and you've got your six
All are great and I bought one too. I got the following. 1. Godrej Menthol Mist. 2. Musgo Real. 3. Speick. 4. Arko Sensitive. 5. Arko Regular. 6. TOBS Sandalwood. I'm not saying pick those, but you can't go wrong whatever you pick.
Truefitt & Hill!!!! Everyone loves a company with a Royal Warrant Seriously though as Steve said any of the 3T's where the scent catches your attention. I hear GFT is sublime. Definitely get a MacaRoot, it can be a hidden gem you most likely can get locally.