Funny you should ask. Was up and adam early. Decided to work from home. Then decided to look at Leesrazors website. Decided to call Lee and chat for awhile. Decided to buy a Simpsons Duke 2 in best, a Merkur LH Classic, a puck of Col. Conk's bay rum, a bottle of Col. Conk's Bay Rum aftershave ( and a couple of surprises which I will post a pic of upon receipt) then decided to take the Late Thursday Afternoon Shave that you are referring to. Finally, I decided that next time I should work from the office.
Mid week change up Schick Eversharp Injector w/ Schick blade (thanks to Sleazy P Martini). Savile Row 3824 Mama Bear Shave Soap Trade Winds Classic Ice Blue Aqua Velva :drool
Friday 4th Gillette Slim Adjustable SuperMax Blade Merkur Silvertip Aromas Aromas Lemon&Cedar Ss Alum Pinaud BayRum As GFT Bay Rum Cologne Nice mix between the Lemon and BayRum
Merkur Slant Derby Extra Blade Shavemac 23mm brush in Pure Badger Tabac Shaving Soap Alum Block Truefitt & Hill Classic Aftershave Balm Floid Original Aftershave Splash Tabac EDC
freaky friday After a day's break I had a lovely time shaving today: German Gillette Tech red Personna (day 4) Kent BK4 Trumper CSF / PRE TOBS Avocado SC Swiss Pitralon Pre de Provence ASB Acca Kappa Muschio Bianco EdT a good shave - I played it easy today - and a great scent
Friday: Omega brush Parker 22R/Sharp day 3 Florena shaving cream Lubriderm unscented moisturizer Aqua Velva a/shave (Ice Blue of course!) I've hooked up a few guys with Florena, and they love it--well, so do I! :drool
Friday: Dovo Bismark Special 5/8 Simpsons PJ1 Super Trumpers Sandalwood Shave Soap Hydrolast Eucalyptus Tonic Hydrolast Peppermint AS Conditioner Trumper Wellington Cologne
in the shower: C&E Sandalwood Soap Clubman Shampoo Nivea Double Action Face Wash after shower: Clubman Hair Tonic Gillette Cool Wave deo at the sink: '53 Gillette SS/IP (2) Trumpers Pure Badger brush Trumpers Sandalwood s/c (2) warm water rinse touch up with disposable Gillette cold water splash Thayers Lavender w/h Proraso a/s Proraso ASB L'Occitane Vetyver edt
2007-04-04 Shower Bar Soap: Issy 100% Olive Oil Bar Soap Shampoo: EO Products Chamomile & Honey Shampoo Conditioner: EO Products Chamomile & Honey Conditioner Facial Wash: Burt's Bees Peach & Willowbark Deep Pore Scrub Deodorant: Burt's Bees Herbal Deodorant Pre Shave Shaving Oil: Mountain Rose Herbs 100% Liquid Glycerin Oral Care Floss: Tom's of Maine Naturally Waxed Antiplaque Unflavored Round Floss Toothbrush: Reach Tooth & Gum Toothbrush - Soft Toothpaste: Rembrandt Plus Whitening Fluoride Mint Toothepaste Mouthwash: Tom's of Maine Spearmint Natural Cavity Control Mouthwash Shaving Razor: Merkur Gold Classic HD Double Edged Razor Shaving Blades: Feather High Stainless Platinum Double Edged Razor Blades Shaving Brush: Tweezerman Wood Handle Badger Shave Brush Shaving Soap: Mama Bear Dragon's Blood Shave Soap Technique: WTG/45ATG/45ATG/XTG Cleanup Post Shave After Shave: Thayer's Witch Hazel After Shave Shaving Balm: Proraso Pre Post Shave Cream Penn Herb Olbas Oil - Mixed 2 drops with Proraso. My face chilled for 20 minutes. Cologne: Ogallala Bay Rum Cologne Moisturizing Hand Lotion: Burt's Bees Dr. Burt's Vitamin E Body & Bath Oil Result: 4.5/5.0 Near BBS. Froze my face off with Proraso Pre Post Cream and Olbas Oil. Zero to tiny sting from aftershave.
Thanks for caring about me, Rich Judging from your post above you must be quite fond of the Burt's Bees products, I might have to check them out myself in the future
Friday AM Shower/Pre: Dr. Haushcka Cleansing Milk Susie's Unscented, Shea butter enhanced Bath Soap Shave: Gillette Tech Feather DE Blade Savile Row 3124 Silvertip Williams Mug Soap Post: Warm Water Cold Water Stephan Bay Rum Aftershave Splash Cold Water Dickinson's Witch Hazel Dr. Haushcka's Quince Day Cream Polo Green EDT
I am fond of Burt's Bees products but it has been a lot of trial and error. I'm getting a little upset with them on their shotgun product release approach. Make everything possible to please everybody and nobody. Wait to see what people buy and then kill it as soon as possible and release something else. I've had to toss a few products. I do like their shampoos, lip balms, bath crystals and facial washes (Bedtime usage is better. Too thick feeling for preshave.) The rest they can keep. I use the deodorant and like it but, Crystal Mineral spray will be what I use when it runs out.
You're spot on my man. Have you tried the Dr. Haushcka (natural, holistic stuff)? Its really good stuff, take a browse through their website, there's some real good info on there. They apparently are pioneers in the realm of natural skincare products. --> One thing I learned reading that site is that you shouldn't apply moisturizer before bed...instead allowing your skin to replenish moisture via its own mechansims. My goal: When I'm 90 years old, I'll have the skin of a 22 year old Then, I can die :happy001 (with velva in the casket)
Joe, if I don't apply a HEAVY moisturizer before bed (plus Lanolin or pure Shea-butter) my skin on the lower neck will be completely dry, red and flaky in the morning, so that info is BS in my opinion. But YMMV. Rich, thanks for the warning and the suggestions of products!