SOS: December 2024

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by awk-m4, Nov 30, 2024.

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  1. awk-m4

    awk-m4 Well-Known Member

    Sunday December 1, 2024
    Brush: Semogue
    Soap: Tabac
    Razor: Henson
    Blade: Wizamet SI
    A/S: Tabac

    brit, stuartganis, GAW9576 and 15 others like this.
  2. brit

    brit in a box

    new sc
    soc boar
    london gin club

  3. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Here's how December begins for me:

    prep-Dove 4 Men Bodywash(Skin Defense)in shower
    shave-Sir Hare Co. (Drunken Sailor)*
    brush-Jayaruh #59 synthetic
    razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot DisposeABLE
    A.S>-Stephan Bay Rum

    ir Hare;s version of Bay Rum
    stuartganis, GAW9576, poppi and 10 others like this.
  4. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Sunday SOTD

    Razor: Charcoal Goods Gen3 L3
    Blade: Feather (D4)
    Brush: Rooney 3/2 Super Silvertip
    Bowl: Junichi Tanaka 5"
    Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Machine Cube 2.0
    Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Spa
    Shave Soap: PannaCrema Nuàvia Blu
    Butter: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
    Aftershave: APR Coolabah LE

  5. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    SOTD: 1st December 2024.

    Shaving Recipe for today.

    Prep: Warm shower:/Cien Sensitive Shower Gel.

    Cold wet flannel to my face.
    Pears Transparent bar Soap.
    Brush: Yaqi 24mm Naples Tuxedo Synthetic.
    Bowl Lather.
    Bowl: Tesco's Ceramic 'Cosmo' Side Bowl.
    Lather: Pearl Shaver's Spirit Shaving Soap.
    Blade: Dorco Prime Platinum. (D2)
    Razor: Baili BD177 Rose Gold TTO.

    Cold Water Face Rinse./Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's,/Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse./Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With Care+Witch Hazel./Blue Stratos ASL./Nivea Men Replenishing PSB./Blue Stratos EdT.


    First Sunday morning shave of December 2024.

    A new eclectic shave set up to start December.

    A great performance from the Baili BD177 Rose Gold TTO to start my month off wonderfully.

    The Dorco Prime Platinum blades work well with the Baili BD177 Rose Gold TTO feeling comfortable & smooth.

    Finishing the shave off with a few small of squirts of Blue Stratos EdT to the pulse points.

    My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

    Keep safe and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
    stuartganis, GAW9576, poppi and 14 others like this.
  6. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Sunday Shave
    RAZOR: Haircut & Shave Co. Ti Efficient Elite Ringneck Pheasant
    BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
    BRUSH: OpusBrush 25mm Oumo EHD 2-Band Badger
    LATHER: Pre‌ ‌de‌ ‌Provence‌ ‌No.‌ ‌63‌ ‌shave‌ ‌soap‌
    POST: Muelhens 4711 Eau De Cologne Splash
  7. BroRat

    BroRat Well-Known Member

    RAZOR: Rocnel SE50 Artiist Club 2022 / Schick Proline
    Oumo 11 Pandora Green Resin 28mm SHD Badger
    Ethos Greenfresh Premium Shave Soap & Skin Food Splash
  8. SpeedyPC

    SpeedyPC Well-Known Member

    Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
    Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
    Brush:- Semogue Special Edition 2013 Silvertip 24/48mm knot
    Soap/Cream:- Arko (4 shaving sticks grated into a 250ml plastic tub) the famous piss stick insect repellent against bloody mosquitoes during summer wet/dry season.
    Razor/Blade:- Merkur 34C / Gillette 365 Stainless #2
    Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerine (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
    Fragrance:- Burberry Weekend for Men
  9. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
  10. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Lather Catcher Sunday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    LaToja Shaving Stick
    Heldtite Synthetic Brush
    Gem Jr. Bar Lather Catcher
    Personna Gem Stainless PTFE
    Cold Water Rinse
    Granddad's Blend After Shave

    The LaToja Shaving Stick lathered well with the Heldtite Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gem Jr. Bar Lather Catcher razor and the Personna Gem Stainless PTFE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Granddad's Blend After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
  11. Lockback

    Lockback Well-Known Member

    Preshave: Hot shower
    Soap/Shave cream: Proraso Red
    Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T2
    Razor: 1940's Gillette Super Speed
    Blade: Astra SP (1)
    Post shave: Gillette Gel

  12. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Sunday morning:

    Long hot shower
    Yaqi 30mm Barber Pole
    Super Speed/Bic day 4
    La Toja Shaving Stick
    Proraso Blue ASB
    English Leather Classic AS Splash

    This La Toja stick is friggin awesome - it’s been here in my house for a long time and I should definitely use it more often. I love the scent, it gives me fantastic lather, and it leaves a very comfortable postshave feeling. The Proraso Blue balm is so soothing as well as moisturizing, and I I love the English Leather aftershave’s old school scent. A great three pass BBS shave to start off the new month!

    Happy December my friends - be well and stay safe![​IMG]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. celestino

    celestino Friendly Neighborhood Wetshaver

    1 December 2024

    * Blackbird Brass
    * Super Iridium
    * Shavemac 2-Band
    * Mystic Water Bay Rum
    * Unrefined Shea Butter
    * Bergamot/Vetiver EO

    stuartganis, Yehuda D, ilts and 10 others like this.
  14. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Sunday, December 1
    AoS Sandalwood~~dubl duck 2~~Gillette UK Super-Speed/Feather~~Oud Assam
    Have a great day!
  15. elektrotasil

    elektrotasil Well-Known Member


    Asil KIRATLI
  16. ChiefShaver

    ChiefShaver Well-Known Member

    Hi Friends,

    Here my Shave of the Day (01.12.2024)

    Razor: Mühle Rocca // Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium // Soap: MWF (Tallow free) // Brush: Doriancrafts // Aftershave: D.R. Harris Arlington AS Milk

    I am SO full of joy because of this absolutely wonderful shave.

    Used the Tallow free Version (V2) of „The Fat“ to see if there are any differences between the Tallow free Version and the one with Tallow.

    I have to say that i never had any issues lathering up the old Tallow version, but the new formular is more easy to lather. And a bit faster.

    Scent is identical to the old one and maaaaaaaan, do i love this scent. Simple, fresh and very clean. Wonderful. The lather was rich and thick, no airy bubbles or anything. This soap likes Water and is slick as hell.

    The Rocca in combination with this blade was an absolute pleasure. Smooth like butter and extremely thoroughly.

    2 passes and the shave was done.

    After rinsing the face with cold water i let some time pass to get a feeling for the soap after the shave. Wonderful. Skinfeel is top notch. The Tallow free version is an absolute bliss.

    The Aftershave Milk was applied about 30 minutes after the shave even it wasn’t ´t necesseary, i used it just for the feel and the scent.

    Nothing short but amazing.

    Take your time, enjoy your shaves and stay safe and healthy.

  17. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound

  18. Electrif

    Electrif Well-Known Member

    Sunday 1st December
    Ever Ready Natural Angle HFT + GEM Stainless #1 + DScosmetic T4 Synthetic + Wickham 1912 Classic 24 + Williams Aqua Velva AS + Wickham 1912 Classic 24 Balm [​IMG]
  19. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Thanks, Joseph. I'm lucky enough to have another in faux horn as well.
  20. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Menthol Monday Shave


    RAZOR: Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley
    BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
    BRUSH: Elite Razor Ivory over Blue and Silver Manchurian White
    LATHER: Alaska, Focus 1915 Shaving Soap
    POST: Alaska, Focus 1915 Aftershave Splash
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