SOS--Feb. 16-22

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by crackstar, Feb 16, 2009.

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  1. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    I guess I start the week off, so here's how:


    Omega Silvertip
    Weishi Chrome/7 AM day 2
    Blix Fresh S/C
    Arko Aqua A/S gel
    Lubriderm unscented moisturizer
    Black Garter cologne

    I cannot believe I finished off another tube of shaving cream--WOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!!! ;) :D
  2. Etoyoc

    Etoyoc Backwards

    • Soap: Mitchell's Woolfat
    • Brush: Goldennib knot in Ever-Ready
    • Razor: Merkur HD
    • Blade: 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (#3)
    • AS: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
  3. poppi

    poppi Well-Known Member

    Monday: Parker 91r razor / Treet Classic blade d1 / Cella SS / Boreal 322 boar brush / Florida Water Cologne

    Forgot how aggressive the Parker can be, only needed a 1 liter transfusion :)
  4. rodd

    rodd Knotty Boy

    Happy Rocket Week!


    Gillette Rocket
    Gillette 7 O'clock Sharp Edge
    Knotty Badger Best
    C&E Sienna soap and cream super lather (cream not pictured)
    C&E Sienna balm
  5. otherstar

    otherstar Rodney Dangerfield of TSD


    Razor: Merkur Futur
    Blade: Derby Extra (4)
    Lather: superlather with KMF Lavender and Williams
    Post: Thayer's Witch Hazel with Aloe
    A/S: Gillette Series A/S Gel
  6. otherstar

    otherstar Rodney Dangerfield of TSD


    Razor: Merkur Futur
    Blade: Derby Extra (4)
    Lather: superlather with KMF Lavender and Williams
    Post: Thayer's Witch Hazel with Aloe
    A/S: Gillette Series A/S Gel
  7. DarkAudit

    DarkAudit Active Member

    Got the Monday meh's...

    Razor: Slim @ 5
    Blade: Red IP day 1
    Soap: Tabac
    A/S: Brut

    Even with 4 passes, a meh shave.
  8. Batmang

    Batmang New Member

    Good Monday all

    '58 Gillette Tech w/Red Personna (Day 3)
    C&E BBB
    Erasmic sc
    Thayers WH/Clubman Bay Rum AS
    Anherb AS Gel
    Ogallala Bay Rum Cologne

    Slept late after SWMBO got up at the usual time, had a great lather with the Erasmic (I really like that stuff) and a good three pass shave with a little touch for some breakfast, coffee, and the paper...thank you Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln...

  9. gaelic841

    gaelic841 Member


    Muhle R89 / Wilkinson Sword
    Rooney 1/1 Super
    La Toja SS (milled into a bowl)
    La Toja ASL
    La Toja ASB
  10. superbleu

    superbleu Active Member

    Monday 2 16 2009

    Day 1 of Rocket Week

    Rooney Alibaba 3
    Penhaligons Blenheim Bouquet SC/SS superlather
    Flair tip superspeed rocket
    Nacent Day 1
    Proraso AS splash
    TGR unscented AS Balm
  11. ThePossum

    ThePossum Member

    Monday 2/16 . . .

    • [*]Prep: Rite Aid Skin Cleansing Cream & Hot Towel
      [*]Brush: Ever Ready 300 refurbished with silvertip badger by The Knotty Badger
      [*]Cream: TSD Sweetgrass
      [*]Razor: '20's Gillette Old Type with Ball End Handle
      [*]Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (shave 8 )
      [*]Oil Pass: Leisureguy's Last-Pass Shave Oil
      [*]A/S: Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel Toner & Clubman Club Complete ASB
      [*]EDT: TSD Old Spice Type EDT

      [*]Result: Great shave. BBS. Not a drop of blood.
  12. lamontqsanford

    lamontqsanford New Member

    QED 24mm in Best
    Merkur Slant
    Day 1 Feather Blade
    TSD Egyptian Spice + JMF Oriental Spice Cream
    Speick A/S
    SCS Avocado Oil Balm
  13. Peders

    Peders Member


    Hot shower + Hot towels
    EJ BBB
    Merkur Futur
    Red Personna
    TOBS Rose
    Cold Towels
    Zirh Soothe
  14. Austin

    Austin Member

    Trumpers razor
    Rooney shave brush
    P160 shave soap
    Booster Oriental Spice AS
    Santa Maria Novella Potpourri cologne

  15. Infotech

    Infotech Active Member

    Merkur HD
    Gillette Platinum
    Rooney 3, 1
    Mitchells Wool Fat
    SCS Mediteranian Citrus splash
    SCS Lavender milk

    Wool Fat rules!
  16. Padron

    Padron Active Member

    Nice Shave :)

  17. alabamalawyer

    alabamalawyer Member

    Harrison Bros & Howson Straight / Shavemac D01 Horn / Penhaligon's EF​

    Harris Arlington A/S and Edt​

  18. woodsrider

    woodsrider New Member


    Merkur Futur / Swedish Gillette blade
    Simpson PJ2 Super
    Trumper Sandalwood soap
    D.R. Harris: Pink & Milk
    Floris No. 89 EdT
  19. Churchill

    Churchill New Member

    Now that's just lovely! Way to go Neale! And Happy Birthday!!
  20. Churchill

    Churchill New Member


    Razor: Schick "500" Injector
    Blade: Chinese Schick
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
    Cream: DR Harris Lavender
    A/S: DR Harris Pink a/s
    Edt: Meehan's Bay Rhum

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