SoS: May 2023

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by awk-m4, Apr 30, 2023.

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  1. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Razorock Game Changer / Gillette Stainless
    RajonCajonBrushes / Gillette Stainless
    Stirling / Beeswax Unscented [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    poppi, ChiefShaver, Lockback and 14 others like this.
  2. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member we hopefully swing toward warmer weather with Memorial Day approaching, we see that aanother Throwback Thursday is just round the bend. Here's the action for Throwback Day:

    prep-Dove Care + Men Bodywash(in shower)
    shave-Jeeves of Hudson St. Bay Rum*
    brush-Stoylin 26 mm. "Pro-Handle" synthetic
    razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot DisposeABLE
    A.S.-Stephan Bay Rum**

    *-Jeeves version of how sailors of the 16th Century groomed themselves on islands.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2023
  3. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    May 23rd and 24th
    British Aristocrat Jr (aka Canadian Rocket) w PermaSharp (1,2)
    APShave SynBad / Poculi
    Stirling Gin and Tonic
    Maol Frosted Frankinlime
    A couple of very nice shaves the past few days with the same gear. Have a great day all!
  4. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound

    SOTD 20230524 PPostions by IschiaPP @ Forio
    • Soap: Seven Potions Shave Cream
    • Razor: Gillette Fusion5 Power SkinGuard (de)Fusion #13
    #Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
    #ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
    #Test #Titanic #ShavingSoap #WIP
    Full size: 900x1200px
    Soundtrack: James Arthur - Naked
    poppi, jtspartan, jimjo1031 and 11 others like this.
  5. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Thursday 05.25.23
    RAZOR: Monocero Husaria SS Closed Comb
    BLADE: Wizamet Super Iridium
    BRUSH: AP Shave Co. Orange Resin 24mm 2BED Fan
    LATHER: Grooming Dept Mallard Corretto
    POST: Fine Italian Citrus After Shave Splash
  6. brit

    brit in a box

    1939 #15/kcg

  7. madmedic

    madmedic Resistance Is Futile

    Wednesday 24th May

    Vie-Long/22mm AP Shave Tuxedo - GDL FDW-3 Barber Razor/Rhinoceros - Speick AS

    Was away for a while so this was a very efficient 10 day setup.
  8. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Thursday SOTD

    Razor: Henson AL13 +++
    Blade: Treet Silver Edge Dura Sharp Super Stainless (D2)
    Brush: Korn D7 With Epsilon 27mm
    Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
    Pre-Shave Scrub: Ach Brito Glyce Lime
    Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Mojito
    Shave Soap: Spearhead Shaving Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime
    Butter: Luxx Jasmine Lime
    Aftershave: Spearhead Shaving Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime

  9. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    SOTD: 25th May 2023.


    Shaving recipe for today.

    Prep: Warm shower:/Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Body + Face Wash.

    Cold wet flannel to my face.
    Pears Original Transparent Bar Soap.
    Brush: Yaqi 24mm Naples Tuxedo Synthetic.
    Face Lather.
    Lather: Ach Brito Mogno Shaving soap.
    Blade: Dorco Prime Platinum. (D2)
    Razor: Parker 94R.

    Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.3 Menthol Crystals Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /Davidoff Cool Water ASL./ Creightons Sensitive PSB.


    A very enjoyable comfortable shave to finish my shaving week off in style the Parker 94R/Dorco PP is an excellent duo.

    The Ach Brito Mogno soap is a wonderful performer it gets top marks for it's performance scent, protection, slickness & post shave.
    My reacquaintance with the classic Davidoff Cool Water ASL has been a joy to use. It has to be one of my all time favourite fragrance's which I've like since the 90's when i was first purchased some..IMHO it's the best Davidoff fragrance.

    It my 60th birthday in June...As a present to myself I will be placing an order for some Goodfellas Smile Abysso shaving soap & matching ASL splash which suppose to be very Reminiscent of the Davidoff Cool Water fragrance. I look forward to trying the duo out.

    Another enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Creightons Sensitive PSB.

    My face is feeling smooth cool, & smelling divine. ;)

    Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen. :cool:
    Last edited: May 25, 2023
  10. Gian

    Gian Well-Known Member

  11. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Fantastic shave Brian!

    Who makes that soap?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    ChiefShaver, madmedic and Hembree like this.
  12. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Thursday morning:

    King C. Gillette Facial Wash
    Yaqi 30mm Barber Pole
    Super Speed/Rapira day 11
    MSC Vintage Spice SS
    Aveeno Moisturizer
    MSC Vintage Spice AS Splash

    The more I use this Vintage Spice soap and aftershave the more I love them. My brother Fernando created a perfect substitute for the discontinued Shulton Old Spice stuff - the scent of this Vintage Spice is absolutely the same as the Shulton Old Spice in every way imaginable - it’s so beautiful. The soap’s tallow formula gives it such awesome lather with plenty of slickness, and great skincare. The Aveeno moisturizer is unscented so it can’t disrupt the scent of any aftershave or fragrance you use, and the Vintage Spice aftershave is witch hazel based so it doesn’t burn or sting - not only that, it smells so gorgeous, just like the Shulton Old Spice aftershave and cologne - it also has great longevity. Three passes gave a dynamite BBS that was such a pleasure!

    Enjoy your day and your shaves - be well and stay safe![​IMG]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. shaveman

    shaveman Well-Known Member

    Dscosmetic Ti ZO Crown Handle
    Ogallala Bay Rum Soap
    Boti Synthetic
    Old Spice Musk
    Dscosmetic Ti Crown ZO.jpg
  14. awk-m4

    awk-m4 Well-Known Member

    Thursday May 25,2023
    Brush: Semogue
    Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper Bowl
    Lather: Canada Shaving Soap
    Razor: Henson AL13 +++
    Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
    Post: Osma Alum Block
    Post: Southern Witchcrafts Valley of Ashes
  15. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Thursday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    De Vergulde Hand Shave Soap
    Jayaruh #217 Silvertip Badger
    Schick M-2 Adjustable
    Personna Injector Blade
    Cella After Shave Balm

    The De Vergulde Hand Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #217 Silvertip Badger brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Schick M-2 Adjustable Razor and a Personna Injector Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Cella After Shave Balm. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
  16. Lockback

    Lockback Well-Known Member

    Preshave: Hot shower
    Soap/Shave cream: Cremo Cooling Refreshing Mint
    Razor: Rockwell 6C (R3 plate)
    Blade: Astra SP (2)
    Post shave: Gillette Gel

  17. Hembree

    Hembree Not as pretty smelling

    Above the Tie Kronos with M1 aluminum plate.
    Astra SP blade (fresh).
    Simpson T3 Trafalgar synthetic brush.
    Tabac shave soap.
    Timeless Razor Shave bowl.
    American Tobacco by Andy Hilfiger.
  18. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    That DeVergulde soap looks to be from Scandinavia.
  19. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Thursday Afternoon Shave 05.25.23
    RAZOR: Gillette ‘60 F-1 Fatboy Adjustable @ 4
    BLADE: Gillette‌ Nacet
    BRUSH: Ever-Ready Faux Ivory 18mm Silvertip Badger
    LATHER: D.R. Harris Lavender Shaving Soap
    POST: Ethos Lavender Supreme Skin Food Splash
  20. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    I think it is from the Netherlands.
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