SOS: September 2018

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Boojum1, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. poppi

    poppi Well-Known Member

    Schick E3 razor
    Personna blade
    Maison Lambert Silver Tip Brush
    Fume SS w/a couple drops of M-Bomb
    Osage Rub/Witch Hazel w/aloe
    Barbasol Brisk A/S w/added menthol

    The Maison Lambert brush is a great lather making, soft as a cloud, wonderful brush. I keep thinking it's just to big until I use it and then I think, "Use this more often". The Personna blade is done so a new razor/blade tomorrow. My face is happy. Now go enjoy your day folks.
  2. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Love the looks of the Empire, what blade did you use Tim?
  3. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Thank you Joseph!
  4. Nicked

    Nicked Well-Known Member

    Doh, I take pics after shaving and cleaning up, will give soap another try as well, but expected more from the blade.
    clint64, Douglas Carey, ilts and 2 others like this.
  5. jmudrick

    jmudrick Type A Man

    PAA Bakelite Slant / PolSilver (4). Another neglected soap from Gingers Garden, Freud Blue, beautiful performer.[​IMG]
  6. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    Hendrix Classics & Co Soap
    T-400 Brush by Tom
    Craftsman Razor
    Lucky Tiger
    Ogallala Bay Rum After Shave
    Have a great week![​IMG]
  7. Number six

    Number six Well-Known Member

  8. picturerock

    picturerock Well-Known Member

    Stirling Red Delicious soap, CaYuen All American Stand Up three band badger brush, Parker 22R razor loaded with a Rockwell Swedish Steel blade, Stirling Red Delicious aftershave.
    Two passes and some touchup. Good Monday shave.

  9. shaveman

    shaveman Well-Known Member

    Charcoal Goods Level 2 Brass Razor
    Polsilver Super Iridium
    Simpson Commodore X2 Best
    Pacific Shaving Caffeinated Shave Cream
    Nivea Men Creme Balm
    Paul Sebastian After Shave

    SHAVEWIZARD420 Well-Known Member

    If you like incense type scents you should check out the Egyptian Dragon. Its one of my favorite MW scents, and one of the few soaps i have finished(although it was a sample lol].
  11. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Razor: AlumiGoose w/Hempel Ti
    Blade: Feather Pro
    Brush: TW (@twhite) 3-D printer Handle w/ Faux Horse Knot
    Soap: Sterling Cool
    A/S: Sterling Executive Man
    Bowl: TW (@twhite) 3-D printer

    To bad Hempel isn't making anymore razor handles. Very good 2 passes with a slight touch up around the trouble spots.

    10 09 18.jpg
  12. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos

    Excellent picture, Doug!
    clint64 and Douglas Carey like this.
  13. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Thanks very much Jim. :happy088:
    clint64, Boru62 and Norcalnewb like this.
  14. 120inna55

    120inna55 Well-Known Member

    clint64 and Douglas Carey like this.
  15. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Thank you Matt.
    120inna55, clint64 and Boru62 like this.
  16. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Excellent setup Doug. That bowl looks great and the faux horse looks like the real deal
    clint64 and Douglas Carey like this.
  17. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Tuesday SOTD


    Razor: Gillette Toggle (S5)
    Blade: Super Iridium (D2)
    Brush: Shavemac Extra Stuffed D01 24mm Flattop
    Bowl Corbell Pedestal Bowl 4"
    Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGO Lime
    Pre-Shave Balm: Grooming Dept Unscented
    Shave Soap: Nobel Otter The Noir Et Vanille
    Post: Monster Block Alum
    Aftershave: Nobel Otter The Noir Et Vanille

  18. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Thanks very much Doc. The bowl is the same as yours only a different color.
    clint64, Boru62 and ram57 like this.
  19. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Great photograph Doc. :happy088:
    What is your take on the Noble Otter products?
    clint64 and ram57 like this.
  20. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Shave Plan For Tues.

    prep-Nivea 4 Men Bodywash(Energy)in shower
    shave-Gillette Foamy Menthol
    razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot + DisposeABLE
    A.S.-Clubman Reserve Gent's Gin
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