SOS: September 2018

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Boojum1, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. 120inna55

    120inna55 Well-Known Member

    Tallow + Steel | Morocco
    Leo Frilot Tru-Stone Copper Matrix | AP Shave Co. SynBad 30mm
    Phoenix Shaving | Ascension Double Open Comb (7075 Al)
    Gillette 7 o'clock Super Platinum (Black)
    Catie's Bubbles | Dirty Prose EdP

  2. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Love it. :happy088:
  3. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Japanese Steel
    French Cologne Feel
    Tons and Tons of Sex Appeal!
    OK, I know that last one was a bit subjective, but let’s just call it poetic license. Enjoy your Sunday, shave brethren!
  4. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Are you describing your shave or yourself Randy? ;)
    Douglas Carey and clint64 like this.
  5. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    SEptember 16, 2018

    IKON MR-SE & Schick Proline #8
    RR Beehive
    WK Chypre Rose Concerto
    Thayers Peach WH Astringent
    WK Chypre Rose Concerto A/S splash
    Jaguar Classic Gold
    Just an awesome shave this morning. Wholly Kaw just delivers, plain and simple. Aces across the board. Have a great day and awesome shaves Gents..... :)
  6. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    I’ll leave that for the gallery to decide. However I will say that when compared to other old, fat, white guys, I can hold my own!
  7. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Canadian pride for Sunday's SOTD:

    Neutrogena Men Facial Wash
    Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
    Super Speed/new Shark
    First Canadian Polar Vortex SS
    Gold Bond Moisturizer
    Alcolado Glacial Menthol Splash
    Givenchy Pour Homme EdT

    A great three pass BBS shave but I have to make a confession - the Polar Vortex is not one of my favorite soaps at all. Despite the lather being rich, thick, and yogurty and the menthol being very strong there's a lack of skincare and the scent is nothing to write home about. The Penguin froze me to smithereens afterwards!

  8. jluc

    jluc smelling pretty

    September 16th
    Razor: Timeless Bronze SB
    Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel(3)
    Brush: Envy White Supreme 8 Ball
    Pre-shave: Stirling Mentholated
    Soap: Stirling SDM
    Stirling mentholated witch hazel
    AS: Stirling SDM

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  9. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos

    Terrific picture and a beautiful brush!
  10. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos


    September 16 SOTD:

    Razor: Schick Type D
    Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Aurora
    Lather: Stirling Ben Franklin
    Aftershave: Stirling Ben Franklin
    Additional Care:
    Stirling Unscented PSB
  11. billdog2

    billdog2 Well-Known Member

    9/16/2018 Sunday

    Razor: Gillette Atra Handle
    Blade: Western Family Trac ll Cartridge (5)
    Shave Cream: Cremo Shave Cream
    Boxer Guard Dog ??

    A beautiful Sunday shave, 2 passes, WTG/ATG with touch ups after each pass. For the past 5 or 6 days, I`ve been using the SE Guard razor, each shave was exactly the same, the only difference was the dog. All great shaves. This morning`s shave matched them except the SE Guard was slightly smoother and much cheaper. The good news is they changed my meds to something better, the `window` of steady nerves is much wider. YAHOO !! God Bless to all.


  12. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Sunday, September 16
    [​IMG]Stirling~~Mondial~~Gillette~~Schick Krona (2)~~Proraso
    Have a great day!
  13. celestino

    celestino Friendly Neighborhood Wetshaver

    Thank you for your kind words, gentlemen. :)
  14. david of central florida

    david of central florida Rhubarb Rubber

    Hot Water wash
    T-400/ silvertip
    Sitting Blu
    Rockwell 6s (5)
    Rockwell swedish ss (4)
    Beverly Hills polo club sexy as balm and cologne
    Today was a very good shave. The T-400 did an amazing job bowl lathering Stirling blu. The 6s set at 5 offers me great smoothness as well as comfort, the rockwell blade shows no sign of deterioration on its 4th rodeo. I finished with BHPC soothe balm, and spritzed the matching cologne.
    Hope y'all did as well, or better. 20180916_113607_resized.jpg
  15. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Nice picture Jim. :happy096:
    picturerock, clint64 and Jayaruh like this.
  16. jmudrick

    jmudrick Type A Man

    Fine Marvel. One of the most enjoyable head shaves I've had with a DE. Not at all embarrassed by the Blackbird or Karve. I'm not going to worry too much about which razor is too expensive. Now the Marvel handle is definitely not marvelous, it's both cheesy looking at not particularly well balanced with the head. My Pearl fatty is much better suited.[​IMG]
  17. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Thanks, Doug.
  18. picturerock

    picturerock Well-Known Member

    Going apple for my Sunday shave. A freshly honed Carl Schmidt vintage straight is my edge.

  19. brit

    brit in a box

    hello fello shavers, sunday shave...
    flat bottom tech with fluted solid handle,nacet,ap shave tuxedo .
    wholly kaw fern concerto soap and splash.
    awesome 3 pass shave, light pick ups,dfs +,no drama.
    nicely balanced razor with the heavier handle, areal pleasure to drive.
    have a great day, gary 20180916_125542.jpg
  20. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Good setup and picture with a great looking truck. :happy096:
    Linuxguile, clint64 and brit like this.
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