Strikethrough text

Discussion in 'The Help Desk' started by PLAla, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    Show Spoiler
    PLAla and Douglas Carey like this.
  2. PickledNorthern

    PickledNorthern Fabulous, the unicorn

    I have always thought the spoiler thing would be awesome if it wasn't nearly impossible to post pics from the website.
    PLAla and Douglas Carey like this.
  3. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    What do you mean?
    PLAla, Douglas Carey and RyX like this.
  4. PickledNorthern

    PickledNorthern Fabulous, the unicorn

    I use an Ipad for everything, and I find that posting pics is a pain. They are always not sized right, the cursor is always in the wrong place and they end up in the wrong spot. It is just not a friendly format for me. I have been using the web page over Tapa more and more lately, because it is so much nicer visually, but if I want to upload or edit, I always use Tapatalk. I even flip back and forth between the two to answer.

    I have thought about using my imgur or photobucket app too, but Tapa just makes it so simple.
    PLAla and Douglas Carey like this.
  5. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    I'm the same way, 90% Tapatalk. I only switch to the browser for surveys and to play with things like what I did in this thread.
    PickledNorthern and PLAla like this.

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