The Bunny V2 & V3 SE Razor by Tom White

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Vlasta, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. Vlasta

    Vlasta Well-Known Member

    Supporting Vendor

    heard of this razor? Who would be interested in owning one at a reasonable price? If so speak up!!!
    Herm2502, jtspartan, kjbarth and 3 others like this.
  2. cliffb599

    cliffb599 Well-Known Member

    Interesting ? Maybe ? Peaked my interest.

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  3. Vlasta

    Vlasta Well-Known Member

    Supporting Vendor

    I have a licensing agreement - a gentleman's agreement with Tom. I am thinking of doing a Kickstarter to bring them to the general market at a reasonable price.
    twhite, kjbarth and RyX like this.
  4. cliffb599

    cliffb599 Well-Known Member

    I’ve heard of them. Was following it for a long time. Then they disappeared was Wondering what Happend.

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    kjbarth likes this.
  5. Vlasta

    Vlasta Well-Known Member

    Supporting Vendor
    twhite, Herm2502, kjbarth and 3 others like this.
  6. Jim99

    Jim99 Gold Water Shaver

    I’ve tried the V2 in a pass-around a couple of years back and loved it! If the price point is right, I’m interested.
    kjbarth, cliffb599 and Vlasta like this.
  7. cliffb599

    cliffb599 Well-Known Member

    I would be Interested Also.

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  8. The Other Donald

    The Other Donald Well-Known Member

    I think I already said I'm interested.
    Vlasta and kjbarth like this.
  9. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    Sign me up!

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    Vlasta, kjbarth and Ron R like this.
  10. drnausheerp

    drnausheerp Active Member

    I'm interested in trying this out too.
    Vlasta and kjbarth like this.
  11. RyX

    RyX DoH!

    Mmmmm....The Bunny.:drool:
    Wow, has it been three years already?
    Bunny Owner.gif
    It's OCtober. I should shave with mine tomorrow!
    Vlasta, brit, twhite and 4 others like this.
  12. kjbarth

    kjbarth Well-Known Member


    - Ken
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  13. cliffb599

    cliffb599 Well-Known Member

    Gota Rub it in Don’t ya. Lol.

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    Vlasta, kjbarth and RyX like this.
  14. RyX

    RyX DoH!

    When I had just joined up with TSD, Tom was still in the design phase of The Bunny V1. I was amazed that it was even possible to consider "making" a razor rather than buying it. I cheered him on, offered suggestions, and generally hung out in the thread waiting for his next post. I did participate in the Pass Around / West of the Mississippi Division. After that was completed he didn't stop making things and I kept ghosting his projects. He and I have traded some gear, but he'd found ways to top what ever I had to offer. The Bunny he sent to me is a slight variation; the handle is slimmer than the "production" models that traveled to TSD members. A Factory Second if you will. How does it shave, you ask? Very well with any of the three combs - Mild, Wild, or Notso. Would I ever trade it? Not for a Bottom Dial Fat Boy. Maybe a bucket of them...

    Thanks Tom @twhite !
    brit, Bird Lives, TestDepth and 5 others like this.
  15. Boojum1

    Boojum1 Valet Parking Available Here

    Count me in Steve!
    Vlasta, kjbarth and twhite like this.
  16. Herm2502

    Herm2502 off to elf practice


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  17. twhite

    twhite Peeping Tom

    Thank you @Vlasta for stepping up and getting the Bunny rolling. I hope that it can really take off.


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    RyX, riverrun, Vlasta and 1 other person like this.
  18. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    The Bunny is such a smooth shaver! Really liked the Notso plate!

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    RyX, Vlasta, kjbarth and 1 other person like this.
  19. brit

    brit in a box

    very cool Rick..
    RyX, Vlasta and kjbarth like this.
  20. terstation

    terstation Active Member

    I am interested in the possibility.

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    Vlasta, RyX and kjbarth like this.

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