The most solid (dry) shaving soap.

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by AlDm, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. nav

    nav Well-Known Member

    Yup, PDP is the most solid shaving soap on the market as it's quadruple milled.

    Although, I think klar kabinett is milled five times!! Crazy!!
    AlDm and RyX like this.
  2. AlDm

    AlDm Well-Known Member

    Good day to all)! Today you will learn why I created a theme. I was waiting for a postal load (package), with shaving items of the last century, which were popular in the times of the USSR. Every year, it is becoming more and more difficult to find items in relatively good condition. Included was a jar of soap powder. It is certainly possible to find a soap powder, but it is expensive, and it can be replaced with what is available. I have soap Muhle, which I chopped up on a fine grater, and got a soap powder). The rest is all in the photo.
    Of course the question arose. Is soap powder being produced now? If you know where it is produced, please leave a comment. Or the option to make DIY soap powder. Thank you all, and good mood).
    2.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
    Добрый день всем)! Сегодня вы узнаете для чего я создал тему. Я ждал почтовый груз( пакет), с бритвенными предметами прошлого века, которые были популярны во времена СССР. С каждым годом, всё труднее найти предметы в относительно хорошем состоянии. В комплекте была баночка для мыльного порошка. Найти мыльный порошок конечно можно, но это дорого, и его можно заменить тем, что есть в наличии. У меня есть мыло Muhle, которое я измельчил на мелкой тёрке, и получил мыльный порошок). Остальное всё на фото.
    Конечно возник вопрос. Производят ли сейчас мыльный порошок? Если вы знаете где он производится, оставьте пожалуйста комментарий. Или вариант изготовления мыльного пороша DIY. Всем спасибо, и хорошего настроения).
    Drygulch, Paul76, RyX and 1 other person like this.
  3. BigMark83

    BigMark83 [...........] this space intentionally left blank

    I can't say I've seen powdered shaving soap, but I do remember ivory soap had a powdered detergent.
    AlDm likes this.
  4. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    In America, there are cans of "magic shave powder" in just about any market. It's a hair removal powder, and works similarly to Nair hair removal creme. It's been around for over a hundred years, and is probably why powdered shaving soap never became popular in the U.S.A.

    Shave sticks were more the thing, here.

    Edit: Not sure why you are looking for the driest soap? Take any shave soap and put it in a dehumidifier. Grate it, put it back in dehumidifier. Then run it though a food mill.
    AGHisBBS likes this.
  5. AlDm

    AlDm Well-Known Member

    Thank you @PLANofMAN for your attention to this topic. Before buying this lot, I had to spend a lot of time online, searching for a recipe for soap powder. And many times the search engine showed Magic Powder. Magic powder, as I understand it, is not at all for shaving))). I met some formulations of DIY soap powder on various resources. The composition is about the same. Good soap, which we use for the shower, which needs to be dried and finely rubbed on the grater. Add starch and some borax. I still do not lose the desire to make such a soap powder DIY. Just for the sake of experiment).

    Спасибо @PLANofMAN за внимание к этой теме. Перед покупкой этого лота, мне пришлось провести много время в сети, в поисках рецепта мыльного порошка. И много раз поисковик показывал Волшебный порошок. Волшебный порошок, как я понял, совсем не для бритья))). Мне встретились некоторое составы мыльного порошка DIY на разных ресурсах. Состав примерно одинаковый. Хорошее мыло, которое мы используем для душа, которое необходимо высушить и мелко протереть на тёрке. Добавить крахмал, и немного буры. Я всё таки не теряю стремления сделать такой мыльный порошок DIY. Только ради эксперимента).
    PLANofMAN, Paul76 and RyX like this.
  6. John Ruschmeyer

    John Ruschmeyer Well-Known Member

    IIRC, I have seen reference here to a powdered shaving soap from either Williams or Colgate... vintage, of course.
    PLANofMAN, AGHisBBS and AlDm like this.
  7. Frijolero

    Frijolero Well-Known Member

    PLANofMAN, AGHisBBS and AlDm like this.

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