Titanic and 3017...?

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by Primotenore, Apr 27, 2018.


Why do you "3017" a product?

  1. For the Challenge

  2. Because I was Challenged

  3. Because I am Challenged

  4. None of the above

  5. All of the above

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    I hope you're feeling better today, Clint. Hang in there, my friend!
  2. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Frijolero, brit and Primotenore like this.
  3. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    I wrote earlier about my Mom's suggestion that I take a shower and do a shave to help improve my mood as I was stuck to my bed with the flu many years ago. It worked,
  4. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Saturday, May 20
    Vintage Yardley~~Simpson M7~~Barbasol FH/Gillette Platinum~~Meehan Bay Rhum
    Inspired by @James Kleinkauf I broke out the vintage Yardley soap.
    And while I am not going to 3017 it, it did create super-stunning suds.
    The Barbasol left a few marks on my neck in its wake.
    The Bay R(h)um went on great and always receives a SWMBOSOA®©™

    Not sure what to 3017 next. Maybe something besides a soap.

  5. brit

    brit in a box

    alt innsbruck

  6. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Congrats, Maestro!
  7. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Thanks, boys. :)
    wristwatchb, clint64 and brit like this.
  8. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Congrats Joseph.
  9. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you Charlie. I am feeling a bit better this morning.
  10. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    May 20, 2023
    Blackland Era Level 4
    CH3 Synthetic
    Gillette 7 O’clock Black
    MdC Fougère
    Myrsol Agua Balsamica


    A beautiful sunny day here in the ATL and I actually sort of feel like a human again. Even more so after a shower and shave. The MdC continues do disappear at a steady pace which is all that I can expect. ​
  11. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Oud for Greatnesss, what a name. How do like it? Congrats on finishing the AoS.
  12. brit

    brit in a box

    1939 #47 brit popular
    burberry brit


    have a fine day everyone
  13. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    I read a review, that said OfG was supposed to remind one of oud wood resins vaporizing on a white hot coal.I have a small sample of pure Cambodian Oud oil. OfG is much sweeter, albeit without rose. It has an incense "vibe". Pleasant to wear, but probably not office appropriate. It projects like a beast and the scent will not be for everyone. I like it a lot.
  14. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Do you:
    1) Load the brush and go to the face?
    2) Build the lather "on the puck"?
    3) Load the brush and finish in a bowl?

  15. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    How is Alt 66 different from Alt 4711?
    Frijolero, clint64 and brit like this.
  16. brit

    brit in a box

    Frijolero and clint64 like this.
  17. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    I load the brush and then begin face lathering. While loading I end up with a lot of lather on my hand which I rub on my face before beginning to face later.
  18. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Well, I could go with the scent part, but as for your other answer, let me avail myself the availability to say...............:)
    Frijolero and brit like this.
  19. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    May 22, 2023
    OREN Razor
    Thäter Olive Wood Synthetic
    Feather Pro
    MdC Fougère
    Myrsol Agua Balsamica


    I was still under the weather yesterday and just skipped the shave entirely. So this is the shave I had lined up for yesterday. Up front, this razor looks like it belongs in the kitchen peeling vegetables. Despite its looks, the razor did a wonderful job peeling away the whiskers while leaving the skin smooth and blood free.

    I finally gave up and went to the doctor's office earlier today. Now I am waiting on the pharmacy to fill a prescription that I hope provides some relief.
  20. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Thank you. :)

    Not that you asked, but as of late, I have been building the lather on the puck.

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