Veterans Day SOTD 2015!

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Morman Bridge, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. Morman Bridge

    Morman Bridge Well-Known Member

    Hello Folks, to celebrate Veterans Day here in the USA, I decided to shave with my WWII Contract Tech , with a vintage Gillette Red and Black Thin Blade. I sincerely appreciate the sacrifices, and efforts of my fellow Veterans to secure for us all the freedoms we hold dear. All gave some, and some gave all. And for that I am forever grateful. Thank you all, and may God Bless You, and keep you from further harm.


    Have a blessed day!
  2. NapalmCola

    NapalmCola Well-Known Member

    I tried finding the photo of my wife's grandfather who was a true Flying Tiger. This will have to do.
  3. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

  4. NapalmCola

    NapalmCola Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the invite. I really only post pics on certain days or shave gear. So it most likely won't be daily. I did subscribe so I can see everyone else's though. Maybe I will post my sShave From The Other Day pic. The last one I did was for the Raiders vs Steelers game. Or I can keep it current and post for the next game day my team plays.
  5. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Nice SOTD. Glad to have you at TSD.
  6. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    Whenever you can, we'd be glad to have see you.
    NapalmCola likes this.
  7. Morman Bridge

    Morman Bridge Well-Known Member

    Dig It!!! The pleasure is all mine, and thank you sir.
    Douglas Carey likes this.

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