Vote for JayKay

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by JayKay, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    Vote for my Avatar of Britney Spears joining the wet shaving community! Its scary yet shaving related!

    I've climbed a mountain. Been eaten by a cow. I've picked my nose. I take embarrassing pictures of my self.

    Make the right choice! Do the world a favor! Help decrease your carbon footprint!

    Vote for JayKay for the Halloween Avatar Contest!

    Also, JimR is a terrorist. Voting for him supports terrorism through opium sales in the middle east and will ultimately lead to the demise of the UK and the US. Also, voting for him also supports the mistreatment of badgers in china as well as cute little golden retrievers being eaten. Dont vote for terrorism. Vote for me!

    Attached Files:

  2. oldfat1

    oldfat1 New Member


  3. Gillette_Man

    Gillette_Man New Member

    All right! Shameless self-promotion! God bless America!!!! :happy102
  4. Wishoot

    Wishoot Member

    JayKay- PLEASE, for the love of all that is good, get rid of your current avatar. It's too scary. I've had four glasses of wine and I still can't look at it for more than a few seconds.
  5. oldfat1

    oldfat1 New Member


    That is why I can't vote for you. Halloween is about witches not b(well you know).
  6. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    Its halloween! Sexy ladies will be back post-halloween. For now, Vote for me and my awesome scary avatar of britney spears joining the wet shaving world! If I win I'll send her a tech and some rose TOBS to she can keep that noggin clean!!!!

    Vote for meeee.
  7. IsaacRN

    IsaacRN Active Member

  8. Issy

    Issy TheMadSoaper

    But will his speech flip flop tomorrow

  9. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    This man doesn't wear flip flops!

    Issy, the scales on your SOS contest picture look amazing!
  10. Gillette_Man

    Gillette_Man New Member

    Tsk, tsk, Jay -- has it come down to butt-kissing? :happy102
  11. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    Butt kissing never hurts. And I didnt know what other thread to tell him in.
  12. SlagleRock

    SlagleRock Member

    You've all heard what my opponent JimR has to say about JayKay:
    **Posted originally by JimR:
    As I've said in every public speaking venue that would listen:

    No, No, No a vote for JayKay or JimR is a vote for the Right Wing Nut Jobs and the Lunatic Left Fringe (figure that one out). My opponents don't know what they stand for or against (it must be true my publicist says it repeatedly in my advertising campaign). Clearly this contest needs an independent, an unknown.

    I'm not a Republican, a Democrat or a Libertarian; I don't affiliate with political parties because party lines have failed us. I'm just an old fashioned hard working honest American who is proud of his country and sick of modern politics!

    You don't know me but I'll make absurd promises that I don't intend to keep and waste MILLIONS of tax payer and fund raising dollars to convince you that I am the best candidate (or at the very least, the lesser of all evils in this election, er uh contest).

    My name is SlagleRock and I approve this message.:happy102:happy102

    **This message brought to you by the Peoples Coalition for a Better Avatar Contestant (not directly affiliated with SlagleRocks personal financing of his campaign**
  13. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title


    I support nothing but Great shaving! Great avatars! and sweet little puppies.

    JimR and SlagleRock eat puppies. Very anti-good shaves.

    They don't even use MWF! JayKay uses MWF on a daily basis and loves it!

    Support JayKay and his avatar of Britney Spears joining the wet shaving party!
  14. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    upport the poor college kid trying to get into optometry school! Vote for me! and my lack of money to afford more shaving supplies! And my utter lack of funds to afford a str8 and a strop! or more MWF! Support the youth of America! We will be deciding your social security benefits soon!
  15. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    Someone wanting to go to optometry school should know better than to use yellow font on a beige background. :rolleyes:
  16. SlagleRock

    SlagleRock Member

    No slander in my campaigning. All of my facts about my opponents are 100% on the mark. They must be true we found them all on the internet!!:happy102:happy102
  17. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    Beige? Are you anti-halloween!? I'm keeping the halloween theme on. But I'll change it so our non-halloween themed people can look too.
  18. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    Voteeee for meeee

    I have no e-bay account and paypal suspended my account for "security risk reasons". Support my ADs!
  19. rodd

    rodd Knotty Boy

    "security risk reasons" is paypal code for "probably a terrorist."
  20. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    Security risk is paypal code for "your so American, that we don't want to let terrorists such as JimR or Slaglerock or Rodd anywhere near your paypal account!"

    Support a hard working college student! (everybody else has a job and can afford to buy the stuff!)

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