The next blade in line from my sample pack was the dreaded Feather ninja sharp blade. I had already decided to dislike this blade but needed to at least try it once. Said and done, loaded my EJ 89 with the feather, did my cold water rinse, lathered up with my got to Arko and prepared for the worst. BUT nothing happened, absolutely nothing, just a super smooth, super close glide of the blade through my 2 day hair growth. That could not be right!? Compared to the Gillette Yellow that is not as sharp but gave a super razorburn, this should be even worse... Second pass XTG, just as smooth at the first. OK, time for touchup, but nothing to fix other than the usual problem spot under my left ear. So after a cold water rinse it was time for the Alum block, time to suffer! Nothing, really nothing!? Sitting in the sofa, confused, what happened? I don't know BUT i have a new favorit blade=)
Yeah, I haven't found anything worrisome or particularly special about them. I get shaves very comparable to my Astra SPs.
I am a user of Feather blades. I will try other blades in my weekly rotation, but I am quick to return to Feather blades. Personal choice, IMHO.
I guess I'm a little out to lunch on this one. If I can buy U.S., I buy. If I can but Canadian I buy. If I can stay away from a communist countries, I stay away. It's just a personal thing with me Cold War and all that.
I agree 100%. I also have Personna and they give a great shave. I believe the blue package one are Made in The U.S. I love it!!!
I agree I was actually pretty happy that the personnas performed well for me in my open comb. I didnt liek them in my DE89. I like to buy american too so I will be giving these a few more tries.
IMHO the sharpness of Feathers are a great internet myth. I've found them to be no better than Personna Labs or Voskhod Teflon.
This are the blades in line to be tested. Previously tested blades are: Wilkinson sword Gillette Yellow Derby Treet GSB
I like them better than the blades you mentioned, but they aren't magical or anything the way many people believe. I've had better shaves with Astras, Personna Reds, 7 O'Clock Blacks, etc.