As someone who is probably waaaaay too into what many consider a daily chore and a wet shaving enthusiast in general I’ve spent my fair share of time in forums and watching Shave videos. I notice there always seems to be these weirdo shave police bullies that always feel the need to mention that the person posting a technique or the person in the video are “wrong” and they aren’t shaving the “right” way. These random internet shave police point out that someone’s prep is wrong, or that they shave the wrong direction, or that they do too many/few passes, or they use the soap incorrectly for a clean up pass. The irony is these people have no clue what they are talking about in most cases because they can’t really know that. The only real indicator of how well you’ve shaved is your face. If you finish a shave and the hair you wanted gone is gone and your face feels good then it was a great shave. I’m not saying you can’t shave wrong I’m just saying that if you do no one will need to tell you, you’ll know, you’re face will know. If you have a lot of inflammation irritation and ingrown hairs you probably put to much pressure on your face with a blade and went a layer into the skin instead of just hair. If you get small cuts or razor burn you probably need to work on the angle. If your have a patchy shave then you missed some spots. Those are examples of doing it wrong but like I said your face will alert you to it not the shave police. I love TSD because of the it’s your shave enjoy it your way philosophy and the technique trumps tools mentality. I also appreciate that it’s a generally safe place to ask a question about your technique without the shave police coming after you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What's right is what's right for you. I started putting that into my videos. I delete idiots anyway. No arm chair quarterbacks allowed.
I never wanted to be the shave police but I have to admit that it is very difficult to stay quiet when I see Gillette Flare Tip spelled incorrectly as “Flair”. Fortunately, the tolerant folks at TSD have taught me to be nice and not get worked up about such minor issues.
John, you need to include a comma after the word police and re-position the period and quotation mark at the end of the sentence -"Flair." You may also choose to end the sentence with (sic). Watch your noun/verb agreement. I is singular and police is plural. In the strictest sense, you would be a shave policeman. But I really ain't got a problem if the fellers here call it a Flare Tip or a Flair Tip. Pass the mayo.
Good show! I almost included a to/too error but I thought it might be two obvious. Your a fine editor.
@wristwatchb , I had two parents who were teachers(albeit of different topics, but same profession). Word and phrase usage goofs were things we poked fun at, and now I pick up where they left off . (That includes spelling and typos).
you got me Primo! Y'know I was thinking about saying it just like that, but let it go. (My parents would have spanked me for that).