I've had a similar revelation here, wondering what I'm doing with all this stuff. There's perfectly good shaving soaps, creams, blades, and after-shave lotions that have been lingering around since 2008. I just inventoried my collection and made a spreadsheet, with Setups Of The Week for winter and summer rotating through everything in the collection. That ensures that everything gets used, and in due time, things I won't be buying again get used up. Eventually I'd like to get down to a rotation of four mentholated soaps/creams and ASLs for summer, and four non-mentholated soaps/creams and ASLs for winter. Honestly, though, I think I'd be perfectly happy with two soaps/ASLs for summer, and two more for winter, which would still yield 16 possible soap/ASL pairings. That said, I have three GEM SE razors that I'll likely never use again. They probably should be given a new home.
I don't "purge" anymore, even though I've found my 'forever' products. I still feel regret over the last time I did a purge. The disliked razors of yesterday might very well become a favorite tomorrow. I got rid of three rolls razors in pristine condition (one an early popular model), because I couldn't get a proper edge on them, and now I basically only use rolls razors, and have a half dozen sets, none of which are in as good a shape as the sets I sold, but I'm happy with them.
The title of this thread should be dedicated to Franki Valli: You say you're gonna go and call it quits Gonna CHUCK IT ALL and break our love to bits
People in hobbies sometimes buy mountains of gear trying to find The Perfect One. I have seen this for many different hobbies, not just traditional shaving. Flashlights, fountain pens, and knives, to name just a few. The Perfect Item does not exist on this side of Paradise, but very good items can be found by doing one's homework. That sounds like compulsive buying rather than being cheap, greedy or envious. This x 100 ^^^^^ Good for you, gorgo2! You identified a problem, were completely blunt and honest about it, and are taking steps to fix things and have a happier life. There are lots of people all over the Internet who would benefit greatly from reading your words. IMHO, it is the best post I have ever read on a forum. I really mean that. I will say no more on this subject, and hope each one of you lives your best lives.
I understand that sentiment. I felt similarly about the GEM G Bar. They look so art deco sexy, but we never had synchronicity. I’ve had three over the years and I failed with all of them. In retrospect, I think it was the round handle and the resulting off balance head heavy feel.
my only pic of my red tip rocket.didn't really get on with it at first but traded it with others for some rarer older sets. in the middle..
A bit late to the show. I actually sold my entire razor collection. 250 plus razors. I only kept my very first razor a Gillette Black Beauty 1980. Of corse the razors I made. I found I was only using my razors and de used to move along my factory razors. It felt really good getting rid of my collection. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Yes I sold that last year. Somebody made me a very good offer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Wow, that was a huge collection! Starting ~20 years ago, and then for the next five years I slowly divested myself of “most” of my guitars. It felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.
I'm afraid if I decided to sell the majority of my razors, it would flood the market, and cause a downward ripple in prices, that would be felt worldwide.
The great wet-shaving, What if? But in all seriousness, I was just talking about the Butterfly Effect with my neighbor. Your scenario would make for a heck of an interesting sociological / marketing study, wouldn’t it?
I totally understand that feeling! I've been there with my own hobbies—like when I looked at my collection of board games and realized I only play a handful of them regularly. It’s tempting to keep everything just in case, but I’ve found that narrowing it down really helps. I put my favorites on display and tucked away the rest for a while. If I don't miss them after a few months, I know it’s time to let go.