To be honest, I'm surprised this doesn't happen way more often.
Shooting him, no ........... Punch in the face, YES! Charge the one with aggravated assault and the other with inciting violence, but I'm not a lawyer. The jack@ss that caused this will probably get sympathy, money and popularity. When I was growing up law enforcement wouldn't put up with plaguing and pestering people.
I watched the video, but it had no sound. AFIK, everyone in Florida is packing, and a person needs to know that before going around and antagonizing someone else. A person needs to realize that there are people out there that will only tolerate a certain level of abuse before that person feels there is no recourse but to defend themselves. Based on the video I watched (with no sound,) I am confident that Sheriff Judd, here in Polk County Florida would not arrest the shooter. [EDIT] and if called to jury duty in this matter, based on the video I saw, I would not vote to convict the shooter of any crime.
Brandishing is illegal. Verbal warning is enough. If you pull it, it better be because you were in such fear that a reasonable jury would agree you felt you had no choice but to use it, and you did. If the video report is true, the authorities are planning to charge the prankster.
The guy is 6'5 and has made a career doing similar things even to elderly people. I agree with you in principle but fisticuffs is no longer a practical option for many. This is why they carry.
In related FA = FO news,
Lawful carry is justified but not the shooting. In my opinion shooter clearly had an avenue of escape he did not really try to take advantage of especially since he appears to have been moving away from the harassment but not very far.
After some good advice I deleted my comment. Too bad it’s already been quoted. Perhaps the thread should be deleted.
He was acquitted. Also the youtuber shows no remorse and is planning on continuing to make the same type of content.
Was that video the real shooting? I can't believe it hasn't been pulled. In many ways, technology like the internet and smart phones has made the world worse, not better. (Said as I type this into a internet forum, but from my laptop.)
Some locales have a "duty to retreat." Others do not. I don't know which would be the case here because I don't know precisely where it took place. The fact is, though, the driver WAS indeed trying to retreat but was being pursued by a giant fool whose intentions he had no way of knowing. For all he knew, the idiot might have been ready to pull a knife or just start beating him, which is why the legal principle of Disparity of Force had already entered in due to the size difference between them: Yup. Anyway, as PC pointed out, he was released. Not at fault.