Arrived Today

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by fishcrow, May 28, 2010.

  1. fishcrow

    fishcrow Birdman of TSD

    Guess I am hookkd know and at the point o no return. Just acquired a Gem
    Mircomatic. IMG_0050.jpg


  2. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

  3. StephenDE

    StephenDE New Member

    Just tried my MMOC out the other day. I guess we'll be learning together.

    Shave on!
  4. Dslazar9

    Dslazar9 Took the Menthol-cratic Oath

    Use it well, and carefully. This is an aggressive sucker-go slow. I think some of my closest shaves have been with a Micromatic.
  5. Williams Warrior

    Williams Warrior Well-Known Member

    I've wanted to try the SE thing for the longest time but the GEM razors give me a bad case of the heebie jeebies. Maybe an injector, anyway it looks like a good one, good luck with it.
  6. mercV12

    mercV12 Member

    Nice. slow and steady.
  7. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    Keep the flat shiny piece against your cheek and then vary your angle just a bit to get it to cut. This is NOT a DE! If you use an angle of attack like a DE, the MM will do just that.
  8. pfbarney

    pfbarney New Member

    Listen to the munky. He knows what he's talking about. The first time I tried my GEM SE I literally touched it to my cheek and cut myslef so bad I had to use a band-aid for the rest of the day. Then I figured out I didn't have the blade in correctly and I didn't have the correct angle. The blade needs to hook in and should not lay flat if done correctly. There should be a slight gap between the spine of the blade and the razor. This video helped me out quite a bit.
  9. Slivovitz

    Slivovitz Well-Known Member

    I had problems with the OC Micromatic at first, and went to other SE razors. After working on my SE technique with Gem 1912s and others, I came back to the OC Micromatic and couldn't remember why it had been so hard for me. Just another good razor now.

    That said, I think I do like the 1912s a bit better, with the Bullet Tip Micromatic a close second, and only then the OC version.
  10. StephenDE

    StephenDE New Member

    Don't be scared, it looks kinda scary but I just used mine for the first time a few days ago. Came out on the other side with some bad razor burn but no blood. The experienced guys are right: load it right, prep right, and go slow and there's nothing to worry about.
  11. Bushranger

    Bushranger Member

    excellent video. enjoy your new toy!

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