Barrister and Mann Review (Seville)

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by LevelupShaves, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    Having used B&M Cologne Russe shave soap for the past week, I'll weigh in.

    This soap scent does not match the aftershave scent. Complementary, sure. The combination of post shave scent residual soap smell combined with the matching aftershave is wonderful. The soap has a "musky" smell that is absent in the aftershave, and is much less vibrant. If I had purchased the soap only, I might have found the scent disappointing. The five minutes after shaving, before the soap scent fades, is a sniffer's delight.

    As for the soap performance, it is adequate. Most soaps with Shea butter added tend to form a paste, rather than a true lather, and B&M soap is no exception. Pheonix Artisan Accoutrements soaps are similar, also Shea butter heavy. Performance and lather texture is on par with Porazo, though to me, Porazo is slightly slicker.

    Packaging. Visually, the container itself is not impressive, being a stark white plastic. In the hand, it has a dense, weighty feeling, similar to British shave bowls from Trumper. Almost a bakelite retro feel. The label and other stickers are a nice touch too.

    I find it odd that there isn't uniformity between the aftershave and soap labels. I know B&M have made matching labels of other scents, and do so, most of the time.

    Overall, I would recommend this soap, and I will purchase it again. The aftershave is a second purchase already for me, and I'm looking forward to the re-release of Leviathan, and the launch of "Fern".
    silvertip63 likes this.
  2. silvertip63

    silvertip63 Member

    Interesting, even though you find the performance only "adequate" you would still buy again?

    I appreciate this review because I've yet to find B&M soaps to be the stellar performer that so many rave about. Glad I bought only samples. I've ecology for a few more shaves, but so far, underwhelmed.

    Curious what soap you use that you consider a top performer?

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