Dating a Gillette Superspeed...

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Drew, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. Drew

    Drew Member

    ...OK, so I came across this really cute gillette razor online, and wanted to know how to ask her out... J/K :sick007

    Anyhooo...... So, is there no "Q" in the Gillette letter coding system of razors? I think that's the answer... I think I know the alphabet, and similarly, am pretty good at counting, and couldn't figure out how an "S" razor was 1972, when intuitively, it should be "R".

    Am I correct?

  2. AsylumGuido

    AsylumGuido New Member

    You are correct. This was discussed recently. There is no "Q". My thought is that they left it out because it was so similar to an "O". ANother thought was that by eliminating one letter it leaves a nice round 25 letters which fits our calendar nicely.
  3. Drew

    Drew Member

    Muchas gracias Father Guido Sarducci! I first looked in the archives for the answer to this question, but was unable to find it.

    I was able to find an s4 superspeed (my birth year and quarter born) which I am primarily purchasing for the date it was made... were it not q4 1972, I would not have purchased it. So I wanted that confirmation

    Thanks again... fine place you all run here!
  4. AsylumGuido

    AsylumGuido New Member

    Happy to be of service!

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