Gillette Slim Adjustable issue.

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Yossarian04, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Yossarian04

    Yossarian04 Well-Known Member

    I was messing around with my slim adjustable and noticed that there were a couple of issues with it. I was able to fix both of these issues fairly easily. I hope to spread a little knowledge for those of you that may have similar issues with your slim.

    1. The adjuster dial didn't seem to change the blade gap even though the knob turned and clicked.

    This was due to the "lift" plate being stuck. The plate should move up an down by just pushing on it with your finger. I fixed this by spraying the razor with a good bit of scrubbing bubbles and I then worked the plate up and down until it moved freely.

    2. The doors were slightly lopsided. This also caused the blade to have an uneven gap kind of like a slant.

    This was a little more perplexing. I thought maybe the guard was bent, but the doors were lopsided when opened. I tried to gently bend a couple of parts to correct the issue to no avail. I ended up completely disassembling the razor down to every individual part. This let me clean all of the oxidation away from the lift plate and other areas that hadn't seen the light of day in forever. I noticed that the rod that is part of the tto door assembly was slightly bent. I bent it back very gently until it was straight and put everything back together before reattaching the end cap. It aligned perfectly! I finished putting it back together and shaved with it.

    Notes: The adjuster knob spring is tiny and fragile, so be careful. Reattaching the end cap is a bit of a pain since you have to re-crimp the cap. You'll need a really small pair of needle nose like pliers. I did the best I could with setting the correct blade gap. I plan to use a set of feeler gauges to compare the blade gap to a spec chart and adjust as necessary.

    The point of this is, don't be afraid to take one of these razors apart. The process isn't too bad, and it is fun to see the guts of your tool. FTR, I followed the below video

  2. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    Very good
  3. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    I have used wire cutters to crimp one of my super speeds. It worked great.
    Yossarian04 likes this.

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