Gillette Super Thin (Thai)

Discussion in 'Blade Reviews' started by hunnymonster, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. hunnymonster

    hunnymonster Member

    A while back I spotted someone on one of the shaving boards who was using these daily as part of his daily routine. This lead me to two thoughts - either it was all he could get or that they were worth a try. Some research lead me to eBay where for the princely sum of US$14 per 100 I had some shipped to me.

    The first shave, I thought there was no whiskers being cut - there was no cutting noise at least - but whiskers were still ending up in the sink. Totally uneventful shave - but a totally awesome result.

    The next 5 (yes count them - five!) shaves were just as uneventful as the first - until right near the end of the last one when there was a bit of resistance. Still for a blade that cost so little, it gave me more shaves than any other blade I've tried to date.

    Thinking it might be a "rogue" blade, I tried again - same story - 5 totally uneventful shaves and the last one tugged a little on the last strokes of the last pass.

    The only reason I've marked the price down - if you happen to be in the Far East, you might well find that the price is less than 30% of that - less again if you buy in bulk there. $14/100 shipped is still "down there" though.

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