June 2016 30 Day Rule/Focus Pix & Discussion

Discussion in 'Shave School' started by NCoxSTL, May 31, 2016.


What gear are you planning to use this month?

Poll closed Jul 1, 2016.
  1. Traditional Straights and/or Kamisori

  2. DE razors

  3. SE razors, including injectors

  4. Pain Stick(s)

  5. Some combination of the above

  6. Just having cookies, thank you.

  7. I'll mix it up and have milk with my cookies, thank you.

  8. Rusty can lids. Oh, sorry, that was last month.

  9. Enough with the stupid poll already, either give me a cookie or shut up.

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. NCoxSTL


    Jolly Good June!

    June 1

    Razor - CJB Greager
    Blade - DorcoACmini.jpg (2)
    Soap - Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Brush - Wolf Whiskers Custom Silvertip
    Post - Cold rinse, Alum, The Veg

    Welcome to June 1st.....and away we go. This month I'm on straights and AC razors and I'm starting out with the new CJB Greager. This razor is very close to the original CJB. Finish is a bit smoother, and the spring is a clone of the Feather AC spring so hopefully no more breaking springs! That was the weakest and most problematic part of the CJB. If they fixed that, and with the upgraded look, this razor has the potential of competing well with the Feather. It is more a clone of the DX than the SS, especially in the blade holder. There is no "lip" like the Feather SS. Rather, it has the same tapering grip as the DX which seems to be an advantage, at least in the early going. I'll give this razor a week, then compare it to the Feather SS for a week.

    Blade is the Dorco that was supposed to be a bad blade for me to try. Turns out it works great for me. Who would have thought that, right? Second day on it as I used it for my head shave on a dare last Monday. And, it worked fantastically well. One minor nick on my entire head.

    Soap and brush are just the best of my best. It's the "Fat Wolf" and man oh man the lather was something else. Enough at the end of the shave to do at least three more passes. And that MWF clean scent. Mmmmmmm.....helped heal my senses from all that Marvy last month.

    I did two passes and had a near BBS so called it good. No blood, which is definitely an improvement over just a couple months ago. The only area still giving me trouble is my neck where the beard grows a couple of different directions. My hope is to have that down within the week.

    Other than that, it was a fairly quiet alum day and the Veg, while adding just a bit of sting, definitely started the day off on the right foot! Not a bad way to start my Wednesday/Monday after a one day weekend.

  2. Mr. Freeze93

    Mr. Freeze93 Prefers the baby blue dress

    Pain stick, The Fat, and The Veg.... a man after my heart....
  3. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    June 2 Focus shave

    First day on vacation and it's pouring rain so no golf this am. Decided to pull out the CJB. Loaded a Feather Pro and the it was anime warp back Mayhem. One cut, once nick and two weepers. So-so shave but I do get to a morning pipe in.

    Irritation B- Closeness A- Smoothness B+ Sharpness A+

  4. NCoxSTL


    Brothers from a different mother!
  5. RyX

    RyX DoH!

    Chronicles of my visit with the B-V3; shave #5

    RazoRock XXX & The Body Shop synthetic brush
    The Bunny razor & Chick injector SE blade
    Alum block & BlackMagic AS lotion by ISOPLUS

    SOTD 06012016.gif

    Tried a new to me soap sample today. RazoRock XXX is close to being a cream, a croap? I plan to lather with it for the next week or until it's gone. It didn't bowl lather well so I loaded again and went to my face; better results. Like many soft soaps it's easy to add too much water.
    The Bunny is giving such effortless service that it does have that "extension of my hand" feeling. Second shave on a blade using the WILD comb and I was three passes done. Rather that irritate my trouble spots I put it down and rinsed. Alum block swipe alerted me to several places I should slow and pay attention around. Mostly jaw line - this isn't a Gillette DE. I was doing that 45 degree Slide thing that didn't work with a Schick SE either.
    Tomorrow I'll step down to the NOTSO comb and see if I can shave with abandon. Otherwise another happy date with the B-V3.
    Hugh Hefner can have his bunnies, I like Tom's!
    Keithmax, Linuxguile, PLAla and 8 others like this.
  6. BearCWY

    BearCWY Well-Known Member

  7. NCoxSTL


    I need to get me some Snakebite.
  8. Mr. Freeze93

    Mr. Freeze93 Prefers the baby blue dress

    If you love turning your face into a popsicle I say go for it. Also I recommend American Blend... goes great with Tabac. :)
  9. ob1page

    ob1page Frozen in Phoenix

    Wednesday Shower/Shave
    Shower- Noxzema facial cleaner, Dr. Bronner's All-One Hemp Citrus bar soap
    Brush- RazoRock Tri-Colored
    Razor- Muhle R41 on a Maggard MR5 handle
    Blade- Gillette Silver Blue (1)
    Soap- Eli's Extracts Algiers
    Thayers Witch Hazel with grapefruit EO
    AS- Florida Water

    An excellent shave tonight. I'm back with the GSB, what a great blade. I haven't used the Eli's Extracts in a while and I don't know why. The scent of this cream is clementine and key lime, it smells fantastic. I had only tried this cream previously as a brushless cream however I messed with it a bit tonight and my tri-color found the sweet spot. I rubbed some on my face, wet my brush and went to town. It didn't go on thick but it stayed put, protected great and was incredibly slick. For my second pass, I just dipped the tips of my brush in and went at it again. Similar results. I had a few smalls areas to touch up and I just wet my face and there was more than enough slickness to catch the baby. The post shave feeling of this cream is fantastic. I didn't really need the Thayers tonight but sprayed a little on and followed with the Florida Water because I love the scent.

    My June focus won't start until the Bunny arrives. Until then I'm finishing last month's focus and finding the best blade for my R41. I missed the GSB, it's going to be hard to topple. Have a great day folks!
    Keithmax, Linuxguile, PLAla and 6 others like this.
  10. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    It's like you went to different high schools together.
  11. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    That brush makes me wanna head out for cheese pizza.
  12. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    That's a fun razor.
  13. NCoxSTL


    We even graduated together on the same day a year apart.
  14. Drygulch

    Drygulch Snowballs

    Month of Korn. This razor isn't as shavr ready as I thought. A few cuts with theme spoke tip. Alum was notocible,
    And the Fine was brutal. Great start to the month.
    Keithmax, Linuxguile, PLAla and 6 others like this.
  15. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    Those friends are the best!
  16. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    Hone it! Own it!
  17. RyX

    RyX DoH!

    May Fortune and Skill smile on your Hones. :sick013:
  18. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    Praise God and pass the ProVel.

    What's up with square cut cracker crust?

    A grateful nation awaits.
  19. Rufus T.

    Rufus T. Late for dinner

    Off on another business trip.
    No focus yet…just using my travel kit.
    Happy shave all!

    Keithmax, mrchick, Linuxguile and 7 others like this.
  20. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos


    June Focus Day 2:

    VDH Boar Brush
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    W&B Wedge
    Stirling Unscented PSB
    Brut Classic AS

    My first straight shave of my focus on wedges, and I continued with the W&B I got last month. I had a nice, relaxing one pass plus shave with DFS results. I am heading to Las Vegas this evening, then back on a red eye Friday night so I pick my daughter up from camp Saturday morning. This may be my last shave for a few days. I hope everyone has a great day.
    Keithmax, mrchick, RyX and 7 others like this.
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