Nancy Boy

Discussion in 'Shave Creams' started by Darkbulb, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. Darkbulb

    Darkbulb Cookie Hoarder

    In addition to some Myrsol samples I also received a small sample of shaving cream from a local company - Nancy Boy.
    They even have a retail store here in San Francisco that I must admit I've never visited..but..after trying out this sample I just might.

    Anyway, here's the sample I received:

    It smelled really great - a clean, fresh scent that really stood out to me - and had a rather traditional cream consistency.

    Scooped out a pea-sized glob of the cream and lathered it up.

    It lathered up pretty easily in the scuttle:

    ..but I found that it was even easier to just face lather with it.


    It produced a nice, thick lather that provided a nice glide and protection during my shave.
    The scent lingered during my shave and I truly enjoyed it.

    All in all a very pleasant first experience that won't be my last.

    You can btw join "Club Nancy" on their site and immediately get a 15% discount.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
    Cap7597, mrchick, Daytonkb and 5 others like this.
  2. GSlim66

    GSlim66 Well-Known Member

    Wow that's nice lather.
  3. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    I likey!
    Douglas Carey and Darkbulb like this.
  4. Darkbulb

    Darkbulb Cookie Hoarder

    And it all came from that tiny glob on my finger. I did two passes and would have had lather for two more :)
    Douglas Carey and RaZorBurn123 like this.
  5. CyanideMetal

    CyanideMetal Wild and crazy guy

    NB has had a following for years. I've never heard anyone that didn't like their soaps.
  6. Darkbulb

    Darkbulb Cookie Hoarder

    Used my SOC boar today with my Nancy Boy cream and wow - it exploded into thick lather.

    This is truly a great cream and I still love the scent.


  7. Justin Linker

    Justin Linker Wetshaving belieber

    Got a NB sample some time ago and I agree with the consensus... great stuff.
    Douglas Carey and Darkbulb like this.
  8. blanka

    blanka I will not eat my shaving products. Promise.

    Nancy Boy was one of the first shaving creams I ever tried after getting into wetshaving. It's great stuff.
  9. Shaver X

    Shaver X Well-Known Member

    Nancy Boy shaving cream used to get mentioned a lot, always with heaping praise, a few years back. Sometimes it pays to look at the older reviews on the forums, if only to see what worked then.

    Excellent review, Darkbulb! Many thanks for that.
  10. Mr. Shaverman

    Mr. Shaverman Well-Known Member

    What an unfortunate brand name. Looks like a great product though!
    Radiotube, Douglas Carey and Darkbulb like this.
  11. Gilligan and Walter

    Gilligan and Walter Active Member

    I'm a big fan of Nancy Boy shaving cream. Tremendous performer.
    Douglas Carey and Darkbulb like this.
  12. Darkbulb

    Darkbulb Cookie Hoarder

    Actually I rather like the name :)
    mrchick and Douglas Carey like this.
  13. JR Reyes

    JR Reyes I scream for....chicken wings??

    Great Review...gotta love the lather shots!

    Thank you for enabling...:D
    mrchick, Douglas Carey and Darkbulb like this.
  14. Mr. Shaverman

    Mr. Shaverman Well-Known Member

    I knew you drove Z3!
  15. Darkbulb

    Darkbulb Cookie Hoarder

    Z3 brothers! :D
    Mr. Shaverman likes this.
  16. Mr. Shaverman

    Mr. Shaverman Well-Known Member

    Douglas Carey likes this.
  17. LaSalle82

    LaSalle82 Well-Known Member

    I've heard it's a great performer and the photos of the lather look excellent. However I own so many creams & soaps and want to try so many others, that I'll probably never get around to that one. Enjoy!!
    Hodge and Darkbulb like this.
  18. MarshalArtist

    MarshalArtist Psychiatric Help 5ยข

    I've read that this is a brushless cream, but I see it lathers, so which is it?
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  19. Darkbulb

    Darkbulb Cookie Hoarder

    Dunno how it is marketed but it lathers great in a scuttle for me.
    MarshalArtist likes this.
  20. GSlim66

    GSlim66 Well-Known Member

    I tried a sample as well and that lathers like crazy. Definitely a great cream.
    Douglas Carey likes this.

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