
Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Jake, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Here's an unusual French made razor set with an extra metal clip for holding the blade in place and shimming it a bit. The blades with this set are in a never-been-opened box. The metal case is worth the price of admission -- in my opinion.

    Ever seen one like this? Wonder when it was made? Probably pre-WWII.

    Aluminum case & handle -- steel head with a nickel plating.

    Not exactly open comb, but certainly an open comb style design.

    And there I am -- lathered in my bathrobe -- scraping away the stubble!

    The head is actually in pretty decent shape -- in spite of this photo.
  2. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    Interesting looking razor.

    Did you get to try it out yet?
  3. Slivovitz

    Slivovitz Well-Known Member

    Interesting, and I like the picture on the blade box. Judging from the proportions, I'd guess the main box is about the size of an Altoids tin. Is that close?

    Waits Compendium gives it a brief mention with a lesser quality photo than the one you give. He says "manufacturer unidentified, probably France", but the French patent notice on the box seems to make it more than probable. He doesn't give a year.

    Anyway, congratulations on owning something unusual.
  4. highball

    highball Member

    Very cool. One is shown in the Safety Razor Compendium, but there is no real info other then made in France
  5. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Haven't tried it out yet -- but it is a light weight aluminum handled shaver -- and the open comb is not really open combed but it is an open design on the head. And sure is French made... Oo, la la et mais oui! Tres bien.
  6. GDCarrington

    GDCarrington Burma Shave

    Given the circular blade sides, it looks like it may even be slightly after WWI since the Probak style Gillettes (3 hole plus slots) came out in the early 1930s.

    Very nice razor! :cool:
  7. IAmTheJody

    IAmTheJody Gillette-i Master Staff Member

    I was thinking 1930s too, due to the blade depicted in the instructions too. Which makes it further interesting to see aluminum used this early in razor history. While it's obvious the handle is aluminum, it looks as if the guard is aluminum too. Not sure about the head cap since it appears to be plated.

    Nice score Jake.
  8. huck1680

    huck1680 Great Northern CanUkrainian

    Terrific catch and a great case, the art, as you say, is worth the admission
  9. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Great find! A very nice add to your collection. Where did you chance upon this if I might ask?

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